World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
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Elders of Eastern Kingdoms

Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Elders of Eastern Kingdoms
Lunar Festival
Honor the Elders which are located in Eastern Kingdoms
- Elder Bellowrage in Blasted Lands
- Elder Dawnstrider in Flame Crest
- Elder Goldwell in Kharanos
- Elder Graveborn in Brill
- Elder Highpeak in The Hinterlands
- Elder Ironband in Searing Gorge
- Elder Meadowrun in Western Plaguelands
- Elder Moonstrike in Scholomance
- Elder Obsidian in The Sepulcher
- Elder Rumblerock in Burning Steppes
- Elder Silvervein in Thelsamar
- Elder Skychaser in Sentinel Hill
- Elder Snowcrown in Light's Hope Chapel
- Elder Starglade in Zul'Gurub
- Elder Stormbrow in Goldshire
- Elder Windrun in Eastern Plaguelands
- Elder Winterhoof in Booty Bay
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To Honor One's Elders To Honor One's Elders
Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.
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