Fallout 4 Atlas

The Devil's Due Quest

To start this quest you have to explore the Museum of Witchcraft and find a body of Sergeant Lee inside a small room.

Related points of interest

Stages of "The Devil's Due" quest

1. Listen to Sergeant Lee's holotape

I found a holotape near a butchered Gunner body. Maybe it can explain what happened here.

Listen to Sergeant Lee's holotape

Listen to Sergeant Lee's holotape

2. Take the egg

Seems this crew of Gunners were transporting a case full of Deathclaw eggs from Lynn Woods, but only one survived the trip. I should collect it.

3. Complete delivery of the egg

These Gunners were delivering a case of Deathclaw eggs from their nest in Lynn Woods to Diamond City. I've got a decision to make - complete delivery or return the egg to its nest.

If you decided to complete the delivery then take the egg to Wellingham at Colonial Taphouse, Diamond City Market. As a reward you will receive Wellingham's Recipe.

Complete delivery of the egg

Complete delivery of the egg

3.1. Quest completed

4. Return the egg to its nest

These Gunners were delivering a case of Deathclaw eggs from their nest in Lynn Woods to Diamond City. I've got a decision to make - complete delivery or return the egg to its nest.

If you decided to return the egg.

Put the egg into the nest. Do it quickly, then deathclaw won't attack you.

Return the egg to its nest

4.1. Quest completed