World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Explore Howling Fjord Achievement

It is Northrend achievement. Ingame ID of Explore Howling Fjord achievement is 1263.

Explore Howling Fjord tooltip
Explore Howling Fjord
Explore Howling Fjord
Explore Howling Fjord, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
- Apothecary Camp
- Baelgun's Excavation Site
- Baleheim
- Camp Winterhoof
- Cauldros Isle
- Ember Clutch
- Fort Wildervar
- Giant's Run
- Gjalerbron
- Halgrind
- Ivald's Ruin
- Kamagua
- New Agamand
- Nifflevar
- Scalawag Point
- Skorn
- Steel Gate
- The Twisted Glade
- Utgarde Keep
- Vengeance Landing
- Westguard Keep
Explore Howling Fjord additional info
faction Alliance Horde
achievement points 10
Explore Howling Fjord is a criteria of ...
  name and description faction points category
Explore Northrend Explore Northrend
Explore the regions of Northrend.
A H 25 Exploration