World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Glimmer Bay 70 Borean Tundra
Glittering Strand 71 Dragonblight
Gnarlpine Hold 8 Teldrassil
Gnomeregan 10 Dun Morogh
Go'Shek Farm 33 Arathi Highlands
Gol'Bolar Quarry 10 Dun Morogh
Golakka Hot Springs 53 Un'Goro Crater
Gold Coast Quarry 15 Westfall
Gold Mine - Arathi Basin
Golden Strand 6 Eversong Woods
Goldenbough Pass 8 Eversong Woods
Goldenmist Village 11 Ghostlands
Goldshire 5 Elwynn Forest
Gor'gaz Outpost 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Gordunni Outpost 42 Feralas
Grangol'var Village 64 Terokkar Forest
Granite Springs 73 Grizzly Hills
Greengill Coast - Isle of Quel'Danas
Grimesilt Dig Site 45 Searing Gorge
Grimtotem Compound 41 Feralas
Grimtotem Post 15 Stonetalon Mountains
Grishnath 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Grizzlemaw 74 Grizzly Hills
Grizzlepaw Ridge 12 Loch Modan
Grol'dom Farm 11 The Barrens
Grom'arsh Crash-Site 78 The Storm Peaks
Grom'gol Base Camp 35 Stranglethorn Vale
Grove of the Ancients 15 Darkshore
Growless Cave 34 Alterac Mountains
Gruul's Lair 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Gundrak 77 Zul'Drak
Gurubashi Arena 43 Stranglethorn Vale
Gyro-Plank Bridge 67 Netherstorm
Haal'eshi Gorge 62 Hellfire Peninsula
Halaa - Nagrand
Halaani Basin 64 Nagrand
Haldarr Encampment 45 Azshara
Halgrind 70 Howling Fjord
Hall of the Frostwolf - Alterac Valley
Halls of Lightning 80 The Storm Peaks
Halls of Stone 80 The Storm Peaks
Halls of the Ancestors 80 Icecrown
Hammerfall 30 Arathi Highlands
Hammertoe's Digsite 36 Badlands
Hangar - Isle of Conquest
Hardknuckle Clearing 77 Sholazar Basin
Harkor's Camp 75 Grizzly Hills
Hatchet Hills 11 Ghostlands
Havenshire 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Havenshire Farms 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave