World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Sentry Totem Spell

Ingame ID of Sentry Totem spell is 6495.

Sentry Totem tooltip
Sentry Totem
Sentry Totem
2% of base mana
Self only
Summons an immobile Sentry Totem with 100 health at your feet for 5 minutes that allows vision of nearby area and warns of enemies that attack it. Right-Click on buff to switch back and forth between totem sight and shaman sight.
Sentry Totem additional info
DescriptionSummons an immobile Sentry Totem with 100 health at your feet for 5 minutes that allows vision of nearby area and warns of enemies that attack it. Right-Click on buff to switch back and forth between totem sight and shaman sight.
Cost2% of base mana
range0 yd range
cast timeInstant
duration5 minutes
effect #1: Summon - value: 100
effect #2: Apply Aura: Dummy