World of Warcraft Ravencrest EU Player vs Player Statistics

Standings, ranks, honorable and dishonorable kills and much more for alliance and horde players from Ravencrest EU WoW server

statistics of Guilds Alliance players Horde players
update / date
order by
+/- rating
total HKs
last week HKs
Guild Pinioned
nbr pos change rank % player name guild name side lvl class/race hk dhk rating + / - + kills
166went up+19 Rank 10  - Lieutenant 11 % Stigkol Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 27.464 1 40.567 +1376 +560
283went up+8 Rank 9  - Knight-champion 85 % Olfert Pinioned alliance 60 roguenight elf, male 6.305 0 39.252 +479 +206
392went up+14 Rank 9  - Knight-champion 62 % Troble Pinioned alliance 60 warriornight elf, male 23.538 2 38.106 +278 +219
4150went up+45 Rank 9  - Knight-champion 3 % Ninth Pinioned alliance 60 magegnome, male 12.157 2 35.164 +1820 +608
5180went down-16 Rank 8  - Knight-captain 80 % Tannlege Pinioned alliance 60 warriorgnome, male 7.942 0 34.034 -594 +185
6189went down-57 Rank 8  - Knight-captain 71 % Lothan Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 17.917 0 33.591 -2500 +6
7219went up+25 Rank 8  - Knight-captain 51 % Djeveln Pinioned alliance 60 warriornight elf, male 6.709 0 32.595 +929 +16
8386went up+191 Rank 7  - Knight-lieutenant 58 % Azies Pinioned alliance 60 warriornight elf, female 9.502 0 27.939 +3231 +127
9607went down-131 Rank 6  - Knight 82 % Borric Pinioned alliance 60 roguehuman, male 4.336 1 24.134 -2500 +0
10658went down-135 Rank 6  - Knight 69 % Olbaid Pinioned alliance 60 hunternight elf, male 9.315 2 23.463 -2060 +4
11664went down-13 Rank 6  - Knight 66 % Lockness Pinioned alliance 60 warlockgnome, male 3.211 0 23.342 -149 +61
12665went up+192 Rank 6  - Knight 66 % Aud Pinioned alliance 60 druidnight elf, male 4.272 0 23.339 +2639 +363
13680went down-169 Rank 6  - Knight 64 % Tamra Pinioned alliance 60 priesthuman, female 6.606 1 23.214 -2500 +0
14722went down-114 Rank 6  - Knight 50 % Wisone Pinioned alliance 60 magegnome, male 7.454 1 22.515 -1676 +6
15724went up+181 Rank 6  - Knight 50 % Azazerel Pinioned alliance 60 warriornight elf, male 5.742 1 22.506 +2280 +229
16748went up+247 Rank 6  - Knight 42 % Kimanjo Pinioned alliance 60 hunterdwarf, male 6.121 1 22.109 +2932 +267
17799went up+4 Rank 6  - Knight 28 % Gazzor Pinioned alliance 60 hunterdwarf, male 5.997 1 21.437 -41 +61
18841went up+344 Rank 6  - Knight 18 % Karin Pinioned alliance 60 warlockgnome, female 4.107 0 20.913 +3907 +211
19888went up+243 Rank 6  - Knight 4 % Fonko Pinioned alliance 60 roguegnome, male 4.615 1 20.242 +2709 +186
20920went up+38 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 97 % Saissa Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, female 14.216 0 19.891 +266 +3
21952went up+591 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 91 % Graway Pinioned alliance 60 priestnight elf, male 15.198 0 19.556 +5560 +429
221037went down-181 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 72 % Trotyl Pinioned alliance 60 warriorgnome, male 5.609 0 18.631 -2070 +33
231091went down-69 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 59 % Hexapuma Pinioned alliance 60 roguehuman, male 3.144 0 17.951 -1005 +20
241109went down-165 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 56 % Orbius Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 19.516 0 17.829 -1981 +0
251140went up+538 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 52 % Capala Pinioned alliance 60 priesthuman, female 4.117 0 17.602 +4648 +46
261171went up+409 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 44 % Craoul Pinioned alliance 60 magehuman, male 5.571 3 17.214 +3528 +81
271195went down-167 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 40 % Fati Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, male 13.067 3 17.013 -1890 +0
281259went up+50 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 25 % Ringtil Pinioned alliance 60 magehuman, male 6.691 6 16.272 +422 +0
291289went down-103 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 19 % Freddie Pinioned alliance 60 warlockhuman, male 1.988 0 15.982 -1023 +0
301294went down-56 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 18 % Bippe Pinioned alliance 60 magegnome, female 3.507 0 15.907 -621 +1
311318went down-174 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 13 % Wowaner Pinioned alliance 60 roguenight elf, female 5.452 4 15.665 -1740 +0
321339went up+23 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 7 % Bogus Pinioned alliance 60 priestdwarf, male 6.560 0 15.368 -7 +234
331359went down-123 Rank 5  - Sergeant Major 3 % Nischa Pinioned alliance 60 warlockgnome, female 14.527 7 15.156 -1400 +0
341563went up+386 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 74 % Hammerhajen Pinioned alliance 60 paladinhuman, female 13.499 0 13.707 +1109 +571
351688went down-93 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 57 % Jokkas Pinioned alliance 60 priestdwarf, male 3.884 0 12.851 -706 +67
361704went down-185 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 54 % Imrahil Pinioned alliance 60 warriorhuman, female 25.149 3 12.729 -1414 +0
371760went down-187 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 48 % Bumbux Pinioned alliance 60 priestdwarf, male 1.833 3 12.416 -1379 +0
381852went down-192 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 36 % Oweki Pinioned alliance 60 priestdwarf, male 3.023 1 11.814 -1313 +0
391884went down-193 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 30 % Zunakai Pinioned alliance 60 druidnight elf, female 2.396 0 11.511 -1279 +0
401894went down-26 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 29 % Endofstory Pinioned alliance 60 hunterdwarf, male 4.708 0 11.455 -209 +61
411988went down-33 Rank 4  - Master Sergeant 18 % Severin Pinioned alliance 60 magehuman, female 3.634 0 10.948 +62 +82