Creatures, MOBs / NPCs
This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King creatures (MOBs and NPCs). MOB (Monster Or Beast) and NPC (Non-Player Character) are generic terms for any entity controlled by game AI.
MOBs tend to be aggressive to all players and their primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot. NPCs are usually friendly (often hostile to opposite faction) and you can talk to them, trade with them, receive quest from them, etc.
name ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
level | location | react | type, family |
Zzarc' Vul | 30 | Duskwood |
A | Humanoid |
Zybarus of Darnassus
Stable Master
70 | Dragonblight |
A | Humanoid |
Cloth Armor Merchant
30 | Silvermoon City |
H | Humanoid |
Race Announcer
35 | Thousand Needles |
H A | Humanoid |
Fishing Trainer
62 | Zangarmarsh |
H | Humanoid |
Zureetha Fargaze | 12 | Durotar |
H | Humanoid |
Zuramat the Obliterator | 77 - 82 Elite
The Violet Hold |
H A | Demon |
62 | Zangarmarsh |
H A | Humanoid |
Zungam | 70 | Zul'Aman |
H | Humanoid |
Zun'dartha | 60 | Swamp of Sorrows |
H | Humanoid |
Zuluhed the Whacked
Chieftain of the Dragonmaw Clan
72 Elite
Shadowmoon Valley |
H | Humanoid |
43 | Dustwallow Marsh |
H | Humanoid |
Zulian Tiger | 60 Elite
Zul'Gurub |
H | Beast Cat
Zulian Cub | 60 | Zul'Gurub |
H | Beast Cat
Zulian Crocolisk | 60 Elite
Zul'Gurub |
H | Beast Crocolisk
Zula Slagfury
Armorsmith Trainer
65 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Grand Champion of Sen'jin
80 | Icecrown |
H | Humanoid |
Grand Champion of Sen'jin
80 Elite
Trial of the Champion |
A | Humanoid |
Zul'Lor | 49 Elite
The Temple of Atal'Hakkar |
H A | Undead |
Zul'jin | Boss
Zul'Aman |
H | Humanoid |
Zul'Farrak Zombie | 43 - 44 Elite
Zul'Farrak |
H | Undead |
Zul'Farrak Dead Hero | 45 | Zul'Farrak |
H | Undead |
Zul'drak Sentinel | 77 Rare Elite
Zul'Drak |
H | Elemental |
Zul'Drak Rat | 1 | Zul'Drak |
H A | Critter |
Zul'Drak Flame Warden | 77 | Zul'Drak |
H A | Humanoid |
Zul'Drak Flame Keeper | 77 | Zul'Drak |
H A | Humanoid |
Zul'Drak Bat | 75 - 76 | Zul'Drak |
H A | Beast Bat
Zukk'ash Worker | 44 - 45 | Feralas |
H | Not specified |
Zukk'ash Wasp | 44 - 45 | Feralas |
H | Not specified |
Zukk'ash Tunneler | 45 - 46 | Feralas |
H | Not specified |
Zukk'ash Stinger | 45 - 46 | Feralas |
H | Not specified |
Zuben Eschamali | 69 | Netherstorm |
H | Humanoid |
Zuben Elgenubi | 70 | Netherstorm |
H | Humanoid |
Zoya | 70 | Shattrath City |
H A | Dragonkin |
Zorus the Judicator | 70 Elite
Shadowmoon Valley |
A | Humanoid |
Zort | 75 | Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
Zorbo the Advisor | 66 | Nagrand |
H A | Humanoid |
Zorbin Fandazzle | 40 | Feralas |
H A | Humanoid |
Zora Guthrek
Trade Goods
65 | Alterac Valley |
H | Humanoid |
Zora | 59 Rare Elite
Silithus |
H | Not specified |