Creatures, MOBs / NPCs
This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King creatures (MOBs and NPCs). MOB (Monster Or Beast) and NPC (Non-Player Character) are generic terms for any entity controlled by game AI.
MOBs tend to be aggressive to all players and their primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot. NPCs are usually friendly (often hostile to opposite faction) and you can talk to them, trade with them, receive quest from them, etc.
name ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
level | location | react | type, family |
Fury of Water
73 Elite
Nagrand |
H A | Elemental |
Abra Cadabra
75 | Dalaran |
H A | Humanoid |
Absalan the Pious | 80 Elite
Icecrown |
A | Humanoid |
Abyssal Flamebringer | 70 - 71 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
H A | Demon |
Abyssal Flamewalker | 70 - 71 | Isle of Quel'Danas |
H | Demon |
Accursed Apparition | 64 - 65 | Terokkar Forest |
H A | Undead |
Achelus | 18 | Bloodmyst Isle |
A | Humanoid |
Acherus Deathcharger | 55 Elite
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
H A | Undead |
Acherus Deathcharger | 55 Elite
Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
H | Undead |
Acherus Geist | 53 - 54 | Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
H A | Humanoid |
Acherus Necromancer | 70 | Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
H A | Undead |
Acherus Necromancer | 70 | Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
A | Undead |
Acherus Necromancer | 70 | Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave |
A | Undead |
Acidic Swamp Ooze | 39 - 41 | Dustwallow Marsh |
H A | Not specified |
Acidmaw | Boss
Trial of the Crusader |
H | Beast |
Acolyte | 80 | The Culling of Stratholme |
H | Humanoid |
Acolyte Dellis | 15 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Acolyte Fenrick | 20 | The Barrens |
H | Humanoid |
Acolyte Magaz | 20 | The Barrens |
H | Humanoid |
Acolyte of Shadron | 81 Elite
The Obsidian Sanctum |
H A | Dragonkin |
Acolyte of Vesperon | 81 Elite
The Obsidian Sanctum |
H A | Dragonkin |
Acolyte Wytula | 20 | The Barrens |
H | Humanoid |
Hunter Trainer
10 | Azuremyst Isle |
A | Humanoid |
Action Jaxon | 70 | Netherstorm |
H A | Humanoid |
Adair Gilroy
60 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Adam | 1 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Adam Eternum
Arathi Basin Battlemaster
61 Elite
Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Adam Lind | 20 | Wetlands |
A | Humanoid |
Adamman the Trader | 70 | Dalaran |
H A | Humanoid |
Adarrah | 70 | Grizzly Hills |
H A | Humanoid |
Adder | 1 | The Barrens Durotar The Slave Pens Hellfire Peninsula The Underbog Nagrand |
H | Critter |
Adele Fielder
Leatherworking Trainer
22 | Elwynn Forest |
A | Humanoid |
Adelene Sunlance
Grand Master Inscription Trainer
69 | Borean Tundra |
H | Humanoid |
Adjutant Tesoran | 35 | Dustwallow Marsh |
A | Humanoid |
Adlin Pridedrift
General Supplies
5 | Dun Morogh |
A | Humanoid |
Admiral Barean Westwind
Grand Admiral of the Scarlet Fleet
-1 - 80 Boss
Dragonblight |
H A | Humanoid |
Admiral Cantlebree | 69 | Borean Tundra |
A | Humanoid |
Admiral Odesyus
Alliance Naval Command
60 | Azuremyst Isle |
A | Humanoid |
Adolescent Nether Drake | 67 | Blade's Edge Mountains |
A | Dragonkin |
Adolescent Whelp | 34 - 35 | Swamp of Sorrows |
H | Dragonkin |