Creatures, MOBs / NPCs
This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King creatures (MOBs and NPCs). MOB (Monster Or Beast) and NPC (Non-Player Character) are generic terms for any entity controlled by game AI.
MOBs tend to be aggressive to all players and their primary purpose is to be killed for experience, quest objective, or loot. NPCs are usually friendly (often hostile to opposite faction) and you can talk to them, trade with them, receive quest from them, etc.
name ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
level | location | react | type, family |
Alarmed Blightguard | 74 - 75 | Zul'Drak |
H | Undead |
Stable Master
30 | Darnassus |
A | Humanoid |
Albert Quarksprocket | 60 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Adrianna | 80 | Icecrown Citadel |
H | Humanoid |
Alchemist Arbington | 58 | Western Plaguelands |
A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Burroughs | 80 | Dalaran |
H A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Cinesra
Poison Vendor
75 | Dalaran |
H A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Finklestein | 78 | Zul'Drak |
H A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Finklestein
Ashen Verdict Quartermaster
80 | Icecrown Citadel |
H A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Gribble
Master Alchemy Trainer
60 | Hellfire Peninsula |
A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Karloff
Corpse Dust Vendor
56 | Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave Eastern Plaguelands |
H | Humanoid |
Alchemist Mallory
Alchemy Trainer
26 | Elwynn Forest |
A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Narett
Alchemy Trainer
37 | Dustwallow Marsh |
A | Humanoid |
Alchemist Pestlezugg
Alchemy Supplies
45 | Tanaris |
H A | Humanoid |
Aldaron the Reckless | 8 | Eversong Woods |
H | Humanoid |
General Supplies
17 | Teldrassil |
A | Humanoid |
Aldor Acolyte | 19 | Shattrath City |
A | Humanoid |
Aldor Anchorite | 70 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Aldor Marksman | 70 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Aldor Neophyte | 70 | Shattrath City |
H A | Humanoid |
Aldor Vindicator | 70 Elite
Shattrath City |
H | Humanoid |
Blade Merchant
70 Elite
Nagrand |
H A | Humanoid |
Priest Trainer
60 | Silvermoon City |
H | Humanoid |
Aldren Cordon
18 | Loch Modan |
H A | Humanoid |
Aldric Moore
Mail Armor Merchant
30 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Aldris Fourclouds | 5 | Darnassus |
A | Humanoid |
Aldur'thar Sentry | 80 | Icecrown |
H | Undead |
Aldur'thar Sentry | 79 - 80 | Icecrown |
H A | Undead |
Aldwin Laughlin
Guild Master
50 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Aleanna Edune | 18 - 22 | Ashenvale |
H A | Humanoid |
Jewelcrafting Trainer
30 | Eversong Woods |
H | Humanoid |
Alenndaar Lapidaar
Hunter Trainer
27 | Ashenvale |
H A | Humanoid |
Alessandro Luca
Blue Moon Odds & Ends
35 | Undercity |
H | Humanoid |
Grand Master Jewelcrafting Trainer
71 | Borean Tundra |
A | Humanoid |
First Aid Trainer
30 | Silvermoon City |
H | Humanoid |
Alexander Calder
Warlock Trainer
60 | Ironforge |
A | Humanoid |
Alexandra Blazen | 45 | Azshara |
H | Humanoid |
Alexandra Bolero
Tailoring Supplies
30 | Stormwind City |
A | Humanoid |
Alexandra Constantine
Gryphon Master
65 Elite
Blasted Lands |
A | Humanoid |
Alexandra McQueen
Grand Master Tailoring Trainer
71 | Howling Fjord |
H | Humanoid |