Alliance Bonfire Object
Ingame ID of Alliance Bonfire object is 187938.
Known location(s) of Alliance Bonfire object
You can start the following quests here
name | level | faction | category | rewards |
Desecrate this Fire! | - | H | Seasonal | (10) |
You can complete the following quests here
name | level | faction | category | rewards |
Desecrate this Fire! | - | H | Seasonal | (10) |
More objects with the same name
name and description | location |
Alliance Bonfire | Howling Fjord |
Alliance Bonfire | Tanaris |
Alliance Bonfire | Desolace |
Alliance Bonfire | Bloodmyst Isle |
Alliance Bonfire | Wetlands |
Alliance Bonfire | Nagrand |
Alliance Bonfire | Hellfire Peninsula |
Alliance Bonfire | Stranglethorn Vale |
Alliance Bonfire | Blasted Lands |
Alliance Bonfire | Dustwallow Marsh |
Alliance Bonfire | Borean Tundra |
Alliance Bonfire | Burning Steppes |
Alliance Bonfire | Shadowmoon Valley |
Alliance Bonfire | Crystalsong Forest |
Alliance Bonfire | Arathi Highlands |
Alliance Bonfire | Duskwood |
Alliance Bonfire | Netherstorm |
Alliance Bonfire | Azuremyst Isle |
Alliance Bonfire | Grizzly Hills |
Alliance Bonfire | Blade's Edge Mountains |