World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Alliance Bonfire Object

Ingame ID of Alliance Bonfire object is 187938.

Known location(s) of Alliance Bonfire object
The Hinterlands
map of The Hinterlands
You can start the following quests here
name level faction category rewards
Desecrate this Fire! - H Seasonal (10)
You can complete the following quests here
name level faction category rewards
Desecrate this Fire! - H Seasonal (10)
More objects with the same name
name and description location
Alliance Bonfire
Howling Fjord
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Bloodmyst Isle
Alliance Bonfire
Alliance Bonfire
Alliance Bonfire
Hellfire Peninsula
Alliance Bonfire
Stranglethorn Vale
Alliance Bonfire
Blasted Lands
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Dustwallow Marsh
Alliance Bonfire
Borean Tundra
Alliance Bonfire
Burning Steppes
Alliance Bonfire
Shadowmoon Valley
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Crystalsong Forest
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Arathi Highlands
Alliance Bonfire
Alliance Bonfire
Alliance Bonfire
Azuremyst Isle
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Grizzly Hills
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Blade's Edge Mountains