World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
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name updown level updown map updown
The Sludge Fen 15 Northern Barrens
The Stagnant Oasis 15 Northern Barrens
Thorn Hill 13 Northern Barrens
Area 52 - Netherstorm
Arklon Ruins 67 Netherstorm
Celestial Ridge 69 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Farfield 68 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Midrealm 68 Netherstorm
Ethereum Staging Grounds 69 Netherstorm
Forge Base: Gehenna 68 Netherstorm
Forge Base: Oblivion 68 Netherstorm
Gyro-Plank Bridge 67 Netherstorm
Kirin'Var Village 69 Netherstorm
Manaforge Ara 67 Netherstorm
Manaforge B'naar 67 Netherstorm
Manaforge Coruu 68 Netherstorm
Manaforge Duro 69 Netherstorm
Manaforge Ultris - Netherstorm
Netherstone 68 Netherstorm
Ruins of Enkaat 67 Netherstorm
Ruins of Farahlon 68 Netherstorm
Socrethar's Seat 70 Netherstorm
Sunfury Hold 69 Netherstorm
Tempest Keep 70 Netherstorm
The Heap 67 Netherstorm
The Scrap Field 68 Netherstorm
The Stormspire - Netherstorm
Burning Blade Ruins 64 Nagrand
Clan Watch 64 Nagrand
Forge Camp: Fear 66 Nagrand