World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
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name updown level updown map updown
Pools of Arlithrien 8 Teldrassil
Pools of Aggonar 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Pod Wreckage 6 Azuremyst Isle
Pod Cluster 6 Azuremyst Isle
Plains of Nasam 70 Borean Tundra
Plaguewood Tower 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Plaguemist Ravine 45 The Hinterlands
Palemane Rock 5 Mulgore
Owl Wing Thicket 56 Winterspring
Oshu'gun 65 Nagrand
Ortell's Hideout - Silithus
Orsis 83 Uldum
Oronok's Farm 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Orgrimmar Rocketway Exchange 13 Azshara
Orgrimmar Rear Gate 10 Azshara
Orendil's Retreat 21 Ashenvale
Orebor Harborage - Zangarmarsh
Oostan 8 The Lost Isles
Oomlot Village 8 The Lost Isles
Onslaught Harbor 80 Icecrown
Olsen's Farthing 13 Silverpine Forest
Odesyus' Landing 6 Azuremyst Isle
Obsidian Forest 85 Twilight Highlands
Obsidian Dragonshrine 72 Dragonblight
Obelisk of the Sun 83 Uldum
Obelisk of the Stars 83 Uldum
Obelisk of the Moon 83 Uldum
Oasis of Vir'sar 83 Uldum
Nozzlepot's Outpost 15 Northern Barrens
Northwatch Hold 30 Southern Barrens