World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
main page maps areas creatures & npcs quests items item sets achievements objects


name updown level updown map updown
Lake Elune'ara 15 Moonglade
Nighthaven 15 Moonglade
Shrine of Remulos - Moonglade
Stormrage Barrow Dens - Moonglade
Ascendant's Rise 81 Mount Hyjal
Ashen Lake 80 Mount Hyjal
Doom's Vigil 81 Mount Hyjal
Gates of Sothann 81 Mount Hyjal
Grove of Aessina 79 Mount Hyjal
Nordrassil 81 Mount Hyjal
Seat of the Chosen 81 Mount Hyjal
Sethria's Roost 81 Mount Hyjal
Shrine of Aviana 80 Mount Hyjal
Shrine of Goldrinn 79 Mount Hyjal
Sulfuron Spire 81 Mount Hyjal
The Circle of Cinders 83 Mount Hyjal
The Flamewake 80 Mount Hyjal
The Forge of Supplication - Mount Hyjal
The Inferno 80 Mount Hyjal
The Regrowth 80 Mount Hyjal
The Scorched Plain 80 Mount Hyjal
Whistling Grove 80 Mount Hyjal
Bael'dun Digsite 8 Mulgore
Bloodhoof Village 5 Mulgore
Camp Narache - Mulgore
Camp Sungraze - Mulgore
Palemane Rock 5 Mulgore
Ravaged Caravan 7 Mulgore
Red Rocks 9 Mulgore
Stonetalon Pass 10 Mulgore