World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
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name updown level updown map updown
Rethban Caverns 17 Redridge Mountains
Revantusk Village - The Hinterlands
Ridgepoint Tower 8 Elwynn Forest
Ring of Observance 65 Terokkar Forest
Riplash Ruins 70 Borean Tundra
Riplash Strand 70 Borean Tundra
Rise of the Defiler 46 Blasted Lands
River's Heart 76 Sholazar Basin
Ruby Dragonshrine 72 Dragonblight
Ruins of Aboraz 44 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Ruins of Ahmtul 83 Uldum
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj - Silithus
Ruins of Alterac 36 Hillsbrad Foothills
Ruins of Ammon 83 Uldum
Ruins of Arkkoran 15 Azshara
Ruins of Auberdine 15 Darkshore
Ruins of Baa'ri 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Ruins of Constellas 51 Felwood
Ruins of Drakgor 85 Twilight Highlands
Ruins of Eldarath 15 Azshara
Ruins of Eldre'thar 27 Stonetalon Mountains
Ruins of Enkaat 67 Netherstorm
Ruins of Farahlon 68 Netherstorm
Ruins of Feathermoon 37 Feralas
Ruins of Isildien 45 Feralas
Ruins of Jubuwal 43 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Ruins of Khintaset 83 Uldum
Ruins of Loreth'Aran 13 Bloodmyst Isle
Ruins of Mathystra 15 Darkshore
Ruins of Ravenwind 49 Feralas