World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
main page maps areas creatures & npcs quests items item sets achievements objects


name updown level updown map updown
The Noxious Lair 48 Tanaris
Valorwind Lake 48 The Hinterlands
Dawnrise Expedition 49 Tanaris
Iron Summit 49 Searing Gorge
Lakkari Tar Pits 49 Un'Goro Crater
Ruins of Ravenwind 49 Feralas
Shaol'watha 49 The Hinterlands
Thistleshrub Valley 49 Tanaris
Caverns of Time 50 Tanaris
Deadman's Crossing 50 Deadwind Pass
Dreadmaul Rock 50 Burning Steppes
Felstone Field 50 Western Plaguelands
Flamestar Post 50 Burning Steppes
Irontree Clearing 50 Felwood
Jadefire Glen 50 Felwood
Jadefire Run 50 Felwood
Jaguero Isle 50 The Cape of Stranglethorn
Nethergarde Keep 50 Blasted Lands
The Tainted Scar 50 Blasted Lands
The Whelping Downs 50 Burning Steppes
Valley of the Watchers 50 Tanaris
Whisperwind Grove 50 Felwood
Black Tooth Hovel 51 Burning Steppes
Jaedenar 51 Felwood
Ruins of Constellas 51 Felwood
Serpent's Coil 51 Blasted Lands
The Slithering Scar 51 Un'Goro Crater
Bogpaddle 52 Swamp of Sorrows
Marshal's Stand 52 Un'Goro Crater
The Bulwark 52 Western Plaguelands