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Shuttin Her Down

Shuttin Her Down
Level 28
Plant the Dynamite Bundle at the First Beam, Second Beam, Third Beam and Fourth Beam.
- Plant Explosives at First Beam
- Plant Explosives at Second Beam
- Plant Explosives at Third Beam
- Plant Explosives at Fourth Beam
additional info
required level26
faction / side A
categoryStonetalon Mountains
descriptionPlant the Dynamite Bundle at the First Beam, Second Beam, Third Beam and Fourth Beam.
final stepReturn to Steeltoe McGee at the Deep Reaches in Stonetalon Mountains.
provided itemDynamite Bundle Dynamite Bundle
- Plant Explosives at First Beam
- Plant Explosives at Second Beam
- Plant Explosives at Third Beam
- Plant Explosives at Fourth Beam
• 570 experience
You will be able to choose one of these rewards
max level compensation: 17 silver 40 copper
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
• 350 reputation with Stormwind
detailsTo bring this mine down you're gonna need to blow up her support beams. I can provide you with the explosives you'll need, but you're gonna have to trudge through Krom'gar assassins to get to all of the beams.

The good news, if any exists, is that we always mark our support beams with a big 'X.' Look for the markers and plant this dynamite near 'em. Once you've planted all the dynamite come on back up here and I'll activate the explosives.

questline / series
2. The Deep Reaches [ 28 ] A
3. Shuttin Her Down [ 28 ] A
ingame link
Stonetalon Mountains
map of Stonetalon Mountains
Stonetalon Mountains
map of Stonetalon Mountains