World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Explore Feralas Achievement

It is Kalimdor achievement. Ingame ID of Explore Feralas achievement is 849.

Explore Feralas tooltip
Explore Feralas
Explore Feralas
Explore Feralas, revealing the covered areas of the world map.
- Camp Mojache
- Dire Maul
- Dream Bough
- Feral Scar Vale
- Frayfeather Highlands
- Gordunni Outpost
- Grimtotem Compound
- Isle of Dread
- Lower Wilds
- Oneiros
- Ruins of Isildien
- Ruins of Ravenwind
- Sardor Isle
- The Forgotten Coast
- The Twin Colossals
- The Writhing Deep
Explore Feralas additional info
faction Alliance Horde
achievement points 10
Explore Feralas is a criteria of ...
  name and description faction points category
Explore Kalimdor Explore Kalimdor
Explore the regions of Kalimdor.
A H 25 Exploration