World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Elders of Kalimdor Achievement

It is Lunar Festival achievement. Ingame ID of Elders of Kalimdor achievement is 911.

Elders of Kalimdor tooltip
Elders of Kalimdor
Elders of Kalimdor
Lunar Festival
Honor the Elders which are located in Kalimdor.
- Elder Bladeleaf in Dolanaar
- Elder Bladesing in Cenarion Hold
- Elder Bloodhoof in Bloodhoof Village
- Elder Brightspear in Winterspring
- Elder Dreamseer in Gadgetzan
- Elder Grimtotem in Feralas
- Elder High Mountain in Camp Taurajo
- Elder Mistwalker in Dire Maul
- Elder Moonwarden in The Crossroads
- Elder Morningdew in Mirage Raceway
- Elder Nightwind in Felwood
- Elder Primestone in Silithus
- Elder Ragetotem in Tanaris
- Elder Riversong in Astranaar
- Elder Runetotem in Razor Hill
- Elder Skygleam in Azshara
- Elder Skyseer in Freewind Post
- Elder Starweave in Auberdine
- Elder Stonespire in Everlook
- Elder Thunderhorn in Un'Goro
- Elder Windtotem in Ratchet
Elders of Kalimdor additional info
faction Alliance Horde
achievement points 10
Elders of Kalimdor is a criteria of ...
  name and description faction points category
To Honor One's Elders To Honor One's Elders
Complete the Lunar Festival achievements listed below.
A H 30 World Events