World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Quagg Ridge 63 Zangarmarsh
Pyrewood Village 15 Silverpine Forest
Purgation Isle 30 Hillsbrad Foothills
Protectorate Watch Post - Netherstorm
Prospector's Point 75 Grizzly Hills
Portal Clearing - Zangarmarsh
Pools of Jin'Alai 76 Zul'Drak
Pools of Arlithrien 8 Teldrassil
Pools of Aggonar 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Pool of Tears 43 Swamp of Sorrows
Pod Wreckage 6 Azuremyst Isle
Pod Cluster 6 Azuremyst Isle
Plains of Nasam 70 Borean Tundra
Plain of Echoes 80 The Storm Peaks
Plaguewood 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Plaguemist Ravine 45 The Hinterlands
Pestilent Scar 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Path of the Titans 73 Dragonblight
Palemane Rock 5 Mulgore
Pal'ea 70 Borean Tundra
Owl Wing Thicket 56 Winterspring
Oshu'gun 65 Nagrand
Oronok's Farm 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Orebor Harborage - Zangarmarsh
Onslaught Harbor 80 Icecrown
Onslaught Base Camp 74 Dragonblight
Oneiros 60 Feralas
Olsen's Farthing 12 Silverpine Forest
Ogri'la 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Odesyus' Landing 6 Azuremyst Isle
Obsidian Dragonshrine 72 Dragonblight
Obsidia's Perch - Blade's Edge Mountains
Nozzlerust Post 73 Dragonblight
Northwind Cleft 65 Nagrand
Northwatch Hold 15 The Barrens
Northshire Vineyards - Elwynn Forest
Northshire Valley - Elwynn Forest
Northshire Abbey - Elwynn Forest
Northridge Lumber Camp 55 Western Plaguelands
Northpass Tower 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Northfold Manor 31 Arathi Highlands
Northern Rampart 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Northdale 58 Eastern Plaguelands
North Tide's Hollow - Silverpine Forest
North Sanctum 5 Eversong Woods
North Point Station 70 Borean Tundra
North Gate Pass - Loch Modan
North Gate Outpost 11 Dun Morogh
Noonshade Ruins 42 Tanaris
Njorndar Village 80 Icecrown