World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Njord's Breath Bay 70 Borean Tundra
Nijel's Point 30 Desolace
Nightmare Vale 5 Tirisfal Glades
Night Web's Hollow - Tirisfal Glades
Night Run 25 Ashenvale
Nifflevar 70 Howling Fjord
Nidavelir 79 The Storm Peaks
New Hearthglen 73 Dragonblight
New Avalon Town Hall 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon Orchard 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon Forge 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Agamand 70 Howling Fjord
Netherwing Pass - Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Mines 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Ledge 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Fields 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherweb Ridge 65 Terokkar Forest
Netherstone 68 Netherstorm
Nethergarde Keep 50 Blasted Lands
Nethander Stead 26 Hillsbrad Foothills
Nestlewood Thicket - Azuremyst Isle
Nestlewood Hills - Azuremyst Isle
Nesingwary's Expedition 31 Stranglethorn Vale
Nesingwary Safari 64 Nagrand
Nesingwary Base Camp 75 Sholazar Basin
Nek'mani Wellspring 43 Stranglethorn Vale
Nazzivian 13 Bloodmyst Isle
Naxxramas 80 Dragonblight
Naxxanar 72 Borean Tundra
Narvir's Cradle 79 The Storm Peaks
Mystwood 13 Bloodmyst Isle
Mystral Lake 25 Ashenvale
Mosswalker Village 77 Sholazar Basin
Mosshide Fen 22 Wetlands
Mosh'Ogg Ogre Mound 42 Stranglethorn Vale
Morlos'Aran 47 Felwood
Morgan's Vigil 55 Burning Steppes
Mord'rethar: The Death Gate 78 Icecrown
Moonwing Den 10 Azuremyst Isle
Moonrest Gardens 71 Dragonblight
Moongraze Woods 6 Azuremyst Isle
Moonbrook 14 Westfall
Mok'Nathal Village 65 Blade's Edge Mountains
Moa'ki Harbor 71 Dragonblight
Mo'grosh Stronghold 18 Loch Modan
Mizjah Ruins 37 Stranglethorn Vale
Misty Valley 39 Swamp of Sorrows
Misty Shore 31 Alterac Mountains
Misty Reed Strand 41 Swamp of Sorrows