World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Frostwolf Village - Alterac Valley
Frostwolf Keep - Alterac Valley
Frostwolf Graveyard - Alterac Valley
Frostwhisper Gorge 60 Winterspring
Frostsaber Rock 57 Winterspring
Frostmourne Cavern 73 Dragonblight
Frostmane Hold 7 Dun Morogh
Frosthowl Cavern 80 The Storm Peaks
Frosthold 78 The Storm Peaks
Frostgrip's Hollow 77 The Storm Peaks
Frostfloe Deep 80 The Storm Peaks
Frostfire Hot Springs 55 Winterspring
Frostfield Lake 80 The Storm Peaks
Frostblade Peak 71 Howling Fjord
Frenzyheart River 77 Sholazar Basin
Frenzyheart Hill 76 Sholazar Basin
Freewind Post 26 Thousand Needles
Frayfeather Highlands 46 Feralas
Fray Island - The Barrens
Fort Wildervar 70 Howling Fjord
Forlorn Woods 80 Crystalsong Forest
Forlorn Rowe - Duskwood
Forlorn Ridge 49 Azshara
Forge Camp: Wrath 70 Blade's Edge Mountains
Forge Camp: Terror 70 Blade's Edge Mountains
Forge Camp: Rage 60 Hellfire Peninsula
Forge Camp: Mageddon 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Forge Camp: Hate 66 Nagrand
Forge Camp: Fear 66 Nagrand
Forge Camp: Anger 70 Blade's Edge Mountains
Forge Base: Oblivion 68 Netherstorm
Forge Base: Gehenna 68 Netherstorm
Forest's Edge Post 74 Grizzly Hills
Forest's Edge 8 Elwynn Forest
Fordragon Hold 72 Dragonblight
Flamewatch Tower 80 Wintergrasp
Fjorn's Anvil 80 The Storm Peaks
Fizzcrank Pumping Station 70 Borean Tundra
Fizzcrank Airstrip 70 Borean Tundra
Firewing Point 63 Terokkar Forest
Firewatch Ridge 48 Searing Gorge
Fire Scar Shrine 25 Ashenvale
Fire Plume Ridge 55 Un'Goro Crater
Field of Strife - Alterac Valley
Field of Giants 20 The Barrens
Feth's Way 5 Eversong Woods
Feralfen Village 61 Zangarmarsh
Feral Scar Vale 44 Feralas
Fenris Isle 18 Silverpine Forest
Felstone Field 50 Western Plaguelands