World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Camp Boff 39 Badlands
Camp Aparaje 15 Stonetalon Mountains
Caldemere Lake 70 Howling Fjord
Caer Darrow 55 Western Plaguelands
Burning Blade Ruins 64 Nagrand
Burning Blade Coven - Durotar
Brunnhildar Village 77 The Storm Peaks
Browman Mill 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Bronzebeard Encampment - Silithus
Bronze Dragonshrine 73 Dragonblight
Broken Wilds 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Broken Pillar 45 Tanaris
Broken Hill 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Bristlelimb Village 8 Azuremyst Isle
Bristlelimb Enclave 10 Bloodmyst Isle
Brill 5 Tirisfal Glades
Brightwood Grove 28 Duskwood
Brightwater Lake 7 Tirisfal Glades
Brewnall Village 7 Dun Morogh
Bramblescar 20 The Barrens
Brackwell Pumpkin Patch 8 Elwynn Forest
Brackenwall Village 36 Dustwallow Marsh
Boulderslide Ravine 16 Stonetalon Mountains
Boulderfist Hall 35 Arathi Highlands
Bouldercrag's Refuge 78 The Storm Peaks
Boulder'mok 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Boulder'gor 32 Arathi Highlands
Boulder Lode Mine 17 The Barrens
Boulder Hills 74 Grizzly Hills
Bough Shadow 20 Ashenvale
Bor's Fall 77 The Storm Peaks
Bor's Breath 77 The Storm Peaks
Bor'gorok Outpost 71 Borean Tundra
Booty Bay 42 Stranglethorn Vale
Bonechewer Ruins 63 Terokkar Forest
Boha'mu Ruins 62 Zangarmarsh
Bluegill Marsh 24 Wetlands
Blue Sky Logging Grounds 74 Grizzly Hills
Bloodvenom Falls 52 Felwood
Bloodspore Plains 70 Borean Tundra
Bloodscale Grounds 63 Zangarmarsh
Bloodscale Enclave 63 Zangarmarsh
Bloodsail Compound 42 Stranglethorn Vale
Bloodmoon Isle 74 Grizzly Hills
Bloodmaul Ravine 65 Blade's Edge Mountains
Bloodmaul Outpost 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Bloodmaul Camp 67 Blade's Edge Mountains
Bloodhoof Village 5 Mulgore
Bloodfen Burrow - Dustwallow Marsh
Bloodcurse Isle 16 Bloodmyst Isle