World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Thorn Hill 13 The Barrens
Thoradin's Wall 32 Arathi Highlands
Thor Modan 74 Grizzly Hills
Thondroril River 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Thondroril River - Western Plaguelands
Thistleshrub Valley 49 Tanaris
Thistlefur Village 23 Ashenvale
Theramore Isle 36 Dustwallow Marsh
Thelsamar 10 Loch Modan
Thelgen Rock 22 Wetlands
The Zoram Strand 20 Ashenvale
The Yorgen Farmstead 25 Duskwood
The Writhing Haunt 46 Western Plaguelands
The Writhing Deep 44 Feralas
The Westrift 70 Borean Tundra
The Weeping Cave 55 Western Plaguelands
The Warp Piston 15 Bloodmyst Isle
The Warp Fields 60 Hellfire Peninsula
The Wailing Ziggurat 71 Borean Tundra
The Vortex Fields 68 Netherstorm
The Violet Tower - Netherstorm
The Violet Hold - Dalaran
The Violet Citadel - Dalaran
The Vile Reef 37 Stranglethorn Vale
The Vice 57 Deadwind Pass
The Vibrant Glade 70 Howling Fjord
The Venture Co. Mine 7 Mulgore
The Vector Coil 19 Bloodmyst Isle
The Valley of Lost Hope 78 Icecrown
The Valley of Fallen Heroes 79 Icecrown
The Uplands 27 Alterac Mountains
The Underhalls 80 Icecrown
The Undercroft 54 Eastern Plaguelands
The Unbound Thicket 80 Crystalsong Forest
The Twisted Glade 70 Howling Fjord
The Twin Colossals 48 Feralas
The Twilight Rivulet 80 Crystalsong Forest
The Twilight Ridge 70 Nagrand
The Tundrid Hills 8 Dun Morogh
The Tidus Stair - The Barrens
The Tainted Scar 50 Blasted Lands
The Suntouched Pillar 77 Sholazar Basin
The Sunspire - Eversong Woods
The Sunken Ring 80 Wintergrasp
The Sundered Shard 77 Sholazar Basin
The Stormwright's Shelf 80 Sholazar Basin
The Stormspire - Netherstorm
The Stonefield Farm 6 Elwynn Forest
The Steppe of Life 80 Wintergrasp
The Stair of Destiny 58 Hellfire Peninsula