World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
The Broken Temple 80 Wintergrasp
The Broken Front 77 Icecrown
The Broken Bluffs 74 Grizzly Hills
The Broken Bluffs 72 Howling Fjord
The Briny Pinnacle 71 Dragonblight
The Breach 77 Icecrown
The Bones of Nozronn 77 Sholazar Basin
The Bonefields 77 Sholazar Basin
The Bone Wastes 64 Terokkar Forest
The Bombardment 78 Icecrown
The Bloodwash 16 Bloodmyst Isle
The Bloodcursed Reef 9 Bloodmyst Isle
The Blighted Pool 78 The Storm Peaks
The Blight Line 77 Sholazar Basin
The Black Temple 70 Shadowmoon Valley
The Barrier Hills 62 Terokkar Forest
The Barrier Hills 64 Nagrand
The Azure Front 80 Crystalsong Forest
The Avalanche 78 Sholazar Basin
The Argent Vanguard 77 Icecrown
The Argent Stand 75 Zul'Drak
The Ancient Lift 70 Howling Fjord
The Altar of Zul 46 The Hinterlands
The Altar of Shadows - Shadowmoon Valley
The Altar of Damnation 67 Shadowmoon Valley
The Abyssal Shelf 70 Hellfire Peninsula
The Abandoned Reach 70 Borean Tundra
Thandol Span 30 Arathi Highlands
Thalassian Pass 20 Ghostlands
Thalassian Base Camp 52 Azshara
Tethris Aran 30 Desolace
Terrordale 55 Eastern Plaguelands
Terror Wing Path 52 Burning Steppes
Terror Run 53 Un'Goro Crater
Terrace of the Makers 80 The Storm Peaks
Terokk's Rest - Terokkar Forest
Temple of Wisdom 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Winter 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Telhamat - Hellfire Peninsula
Temple of Storms 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Order 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Life 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Invention 80 The Storm Peaks
Temple of Arkkoran 55 Azshara
Temple City of En'kilah 71 Borean Tundra
Tempest Keep 70 Netherstorm
Telredor - Zangarmarsh
Telaari Basin 64 Nagrand
Telaar - Nagrand
Tel'athion's Camp - Bloodmyst Isle