World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Western Strand 30 Hillsbrad Foothills
Dabyrie's Farmstead 31 Arathi Highlands
Darrow Hill 31 Hillsbrad Foothills
Misty Shore 31 Alterac Mountains
Nesingwary's Expedition 31 Stranglethorn Vale
Northfold Manor 31 Arathi Highlands
Sargeron 31 Desolace
Boulder'gor 32 Arathi Highlands
Ethel Rethor 32 Desolace
Kolkar Village 32 Desolace
Kormek's Hut 32 Desolace
Kurzen's Compound 32 Stranglethorn Vale
Lordamere Internment Camp 32 Alterac Mountains
Thoradin's Wall 32 Arathi Highlands
Corrahn's Dagger 33 Alterac Mountains
Gavin's Naze 33 Alterac Mountains
Go'Shek Farm 33 Arathi Highlands
Razorfen Downs 33 The Barrens
Shadowprey Village 33 Desolace
Sofera's Naze 33 Alterac Mountains
Witherbark Village 33 Arathi Highlands
Bal'lal Ruins 34 Stranglethorn Vale
Gelkis Village 34 Desolace
Growless Cave 34 Alterac Mountains
Strahnbrad 34 Alterac Mountains
The Headland 34 Alterac Mountains
Boulderfist Hall 35 Arathi Highlands
Crushridge Hold 35 Alterac Mountains
Grom'gol Base Camp 35 Stranglethorn Vale
Kal'ai Ruins 35 Stranglethorn Vale
Kodo Graveyard 35 Desolace
Ranazjar Isle 35 Desolace
The Shimmering Flats 35 Thousand Needles
Apocryphan's Rest 36 Badlands
Blackhoof Village 36 Dustwallow Marsh
Brackenwall Village 36 Dustwallow Marsh
Camp Kosh 36 Badlands
Gallows' Corner 36 Alterac Mountains
Hammertoe's Digsite 36 Badlands
Itharius's Cave 36 Swamp of Sorrows
Lake Nazferiti 36 Stranglethorn Vale
Magram Village 36 Desolace
Ruins of Alterac 36 Alterac Mountains
Splinterspear Junction 36 Swamp of Sorrows
Stromgarde Keep 36 Arathi Highlands
The Maker's Terrace 36 Badlands
The Shifting Mire 36 Swamp of Sorrows
Theramore Isle 36 Dustwallow Marsh
Venture Co. Base Camp 36 Stranglethorn Vale
Witch Hill 36 Dustwallow Marsh