World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Camp of Boom 67 Netherstorm
Celestial Ridge 69 Netherstorm
Chapel Yard 69 Netherstorm
Cosmowrench 67 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Farfield 68 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Midrealm 68 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Skyperch 68 Netherstorm
Eco-Dome Sutheron 68 Netherstorm
Ethereum Staging Grounds 69 Netherstorm
Forge Base: Gehenna 68 Netherstorm
Forge Base: Oblivion 68 Netherstorm
Gyro-Plank Bridge 67 Netherstorm
Invasion Point: Destroyer 68 Netherstorm
Invasion Point: Overlord 69 Netherstorm
Kirin'Var Village 69 Netherstorm
Manaforge Ara 67 Netherstorm
Manaforge B'naar 67 Netherstorm
Manaforge Coruu 68 Netherstorm
Manaforge Duro 69 Netherstorm
Manaforge Ultris - Netherstorm
Midrealm Post - Netherstorm
Netherstone 68 Netherstorm
Protectorate Watch Post - Netherstorm
Ruins of Enkaat 67 Netherstorm
Ruins of Farahlon 68 Netherstorm
Socrethar's Seat 70 Netherstorm
Sunfury Hold 69 Netherstorm
Tempest Keep 70 Netherstorm
The Heap 67 Netherstorm
The Proving Grounds - Netherstorm
The Scrap Field 68 Netherstorm
The Stormspire - Netherstorm
The Violet Tower - Netherstorm
The Vortex Fields 68 Netherstorm
Town Square 68 Netherstorm
Trelleum Mine 69 Netherstorm
Tuluman's Landing - Netherstorm
Voidwind Plateau 68 Netherstorm
Wizard Row 68 Netherstorm
Abandoned Armory - Nagrand
Aeris Landing - Nagrand
Ancestral Grounds 66 Nagrand
Burning Blade Ruins 64 Nagrand
Clan Watch 64 Nagrand
Elemental Plateau 69 Nagrand
Forge Camp: Fear 66 Nagrand
Forge Camp: Hate 66 Nagrand
Garadar - Nagrand
Halaa - Nagrand
Halaani Basin 64 Nagrand