World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Southern Rampart 61 Hellfire Peninsula
The Dead Mire 61 Zangarmarsh
The Great Fissure 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Void Ridge 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Darkwhisper Gorge 60 Winterspring
Dream Bough 60 Feralas
Forge Camp: Rage 60 Hellfire Peninsula
Frostwhisper Gorge 60 Winterspring
Invasion Point: Annihilator 60 Hellfire Peninsula
Karazhan 60 Deadwind Pass
Oneiros 60 Feralas
Spinebreaker Pass 60 Hellfire Peninsula
The Lagoon 60 Zangarmarsh
The Warp Fields 60 Hellfire Peninsula
Umbrafen Lake 60 Zangarmarsh
Umbrafen Village 60 Zangarmarsh
Zeth'Gor 60 Hellfire Peninsula
Altar of Storms 59 Burning Steppes
Expedition Armory 59 Hellfire Peninsula
Quel'Lithien Lodge 59 Eastern Plaguelands
Staghelm Point 59 Silithus
The Infectis Scar 59 Eastern Plaguelands
The Legion Front 59 Hellfire Peninsula
Blackwood Lake 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Broken Hill 58 Hellfire Peninsula
East Supply Caravan 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Felspark Ravine 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Gor'gaz Outpost 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Hellfire Basin 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Light's Hope Chapel 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Light's Hope Chapel 58 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
Northdale 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Shatter Point 58 Hellfire Peninsula
The Fungal Vale 58 Eastern Plaguelands
The Hidden Grove 58 Winterspring
The Noxious Glade 58 Eastern Plaguelands
The Noxious Glade 58 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
The Path of Anguish 58 Hellfire Peninsula
The Path of Glory 58 Hellfire Peninsula
The Stair of Destiny 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Valley of Bones 58 Hellfire Peninsula
Blackrock Stronghold 57 Burning Steppes
Corin's Crossing 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Frostsaber Rock 57 Winterspring
Gahrron's Withering 57 Western Plaguelands
The Vice 57 Deadwind Pass
Winterfall Village 57 Winterspring
Zul'Mashar 57 Eastern Plaguelands
Eastwall Tower 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Hearthglen 56 Western Plaguelands