World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Docks - Isle of Conquest
Draenei Ruins - Eye of the Storm
Dragonmaw Fortress - Shadowmoon Valley
Dun Baldar - Alterac Valley
Dustwind Cave - Durotar
Echo Ridge Mine - Elwynn Forest
Emberglade - Azuremyst Isle
Expedition Point - Hellfire Peninsula
Falcon Watch - Hellfire Peninsula
Falthrien Academy - Eversong Woods
Farm - Arathi Basin
Fel Reaver Ruins - Eye of the Storm
Field of Strife - Alterac Valley
Forlorn Rowe - Duskwood
Fray Island - The Barrens
Frostwolf Graveyard - Alterac Valley
Frostwolf Keep - Alterac Valley
Frostwolf Village - Alterac Valley
Furywing's Perch - Blade's Edge Mountains
Garadar - Nagrand
Gold Mine - Arathi Basin
Greengill Coast - Isle of Quel'Danas
Halaa - Nagrand
Hall of the Frostwolf - Alterac Valley
Hangar - Isle of Conquest
Honor Hold - Hellfire Peninsula
Horde Keep - Isle of Conquest
Hrothgar's Landing - Hrothgar's Landing
Iceblood Garrison - Alterac Valley
Iceblood Graveyard - Alterac Valley
Icewing Bunker - Alterac Valley
Icewing Cavern - Alterac Valley
Insidion's Perch - Blade's Edge Mountains
Irondeep Mine - Alterac Valley
Kessel's Crossing - Bloodmyst Isle
Krasus' Landing - Dalaran
Longshore - Westfall
Lumber Mill - Arathi Basin
Mag'har Post - Hellfire Peninsula
Mag'hari Procession - Nagrand
Mage Tower - Eye of the Storm
Magisters' Terrace - Isle of Quel'Danas
Magus Commerce Exchange - Dalaran
Malden's Orchard - Silverpine Forest
Manaforge Ultris - Netherstorm
Midrealm Post - Netherstorm
Mirror Lake - Elwynn Forest
Mirror Lake Orchard - Elwynn Forest
Nestlewood Hills - Azuremyst Isle
Nestlewood Thicket - Azuremyst Isle