World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King items. Simplifying, an item is something that a player character can carry in their inventory. Items are divided into several categories, based on their usefulness and rarity.

There are a few sources of the items. A player can purchase items from vendors, can receive them as a quests reward or can loot items from corpses of killed creatures. Most items can be sold to ingame vendors. Some of them can also be sold to other players. The most important types of the items are armor, weapons and quest items.

name of item
required lvl
item lvl+
  name updown lvl updown req lvl updown class updown slot
Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders Sanctified Lightsworn Spaulders 277 80 Plate Shoulder
Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic Sanctified Lightsworn Tunic 277 80 Plate Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Battleplate Sanctified Scourgelord Battleplate 277 80 Plate Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Chestguard Sanctified Scourgelord Chestguard 277 80 Plate Chest
Sanctified Scourgelord Faceguard Sanctified Scourgelord Faceguard 277 80 Plate Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Gauntlets Sanctified Scourgelord Gauntlets 277 80 Plate Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Handguards Sanctified Scourgelord Handguards 277 80 Plate Hands
Sanctified Scourgelord Helmet Sanctified Scourgelord Helmet 277 80 Plate Head
Sanctified Scourgelord Legguards Sanctified Scourgelord Legguards 277 80 Plate Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Legplates Sanctified Scourgelord Legplates 277 80 Plate Legs
Sanctified Scourgelord Pauldrons Sanctified Scourgelord Pauldrons 277 80 Plate Shoulder
Sanctified Scourgelord Shoulderplates Sanctified Scourgelord Shoulderplates 277 80 Plate Shoulder
Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate Sanctified Shadowblade Breastplate 277 80 Leather Chest
Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets Sanctified Shadowblade Gauntlets 277 80 Leather Hands
Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet Sanctified Shadowblade Helmet 277 80 Leather Head
Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates Sanctified Shadowblade Legplates 277 80 Leather Legs
Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons Sanctified Shadowblade Pauldrons 277 80 Leather Shoulder
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Battleplate Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Battleplate 277 80 Plate Chest
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Breastplate Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Breastplate 277 80 Plate Chest
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Gauntlets Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Gauntlets 277 80 Plate Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Greathelm Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Greathelm 277 80 Plate Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Handguards Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Handguards 277 80 Plate Hands
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Helmet Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Helmet 277 80 Plate Head
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legguards Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legguards 277 80 Plate Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legplates Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Legplates 277 80 Plate Legs
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Pauldrons Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Pauldrons 277 80 Plate Shoulder
Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Shoulderplates Sanctified Ymirjar Lord's Shoulderplates 277 80 Plate Shoulder
Sanguine Silk Robes Sanguine Silk Robes 277 80 Cloth Chest
Scourge Hunter's Vambraces Scourge Hunter's Vambraces 277 80 Mail Wrist
Scourge Reaver's Legplates Scourge Reaver's Legplates 277 80 Plate Legs
Scourgeborne Waraxe Scourgeborne Waraxe 277 80 Axe One-Hand
Seal of Many Mouths Seal of Many Mouths 277 80 Miscellaneous Finger
Shadow Silk Spindle Shadow Silk Spindle 277 80 Miscellaneous Off-Hand
Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak Shadowvault Slayer's Cloak 277 80 Cloth Back
Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns Shoulders of Frost-Tipped Thorns 277 80 Leather Shoulder
Shoulders of Mercy Killing Shoulders of Mercy Killing 277 80 Cloth Shoulder
Sindragosa's Cruel Claw Sindragosa's Cruel Claw 277 80 Miscellaneous Neck
Sindragosa's Flawless Fang Sindragosa's Flawless Fang 277 80 Miscellaneous Trinket
Skeleton Lord's Circle Skeleton Lord's Circle 277 80 Miscellaneous Finger
Snowserpent Mail Helm Snowserpent Mail Helm 277 80 Mail Head