World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Fel Orc Scavengers Quest

Ingame ID of Fel Orc Scavengers quest is 10482.

Fel Orc Scavengers tooltip
Fel Orc Scavengers
Level 58
Kill 20 Bonechewer Orcs and return to Amadi in Honor Hold.
- Bonechewer Orc x 20
Fel Orc Scavengers additional info
Faction Alliance
CategoryHellfire Peninsula
DescriptionKill 20 Bonechewer Orcs and return to Amadi in Honor Hold.
Final stepReturn to Lieutenant Amadi at Honor Hold in Hellfire Peninsula.
- Slay Bonechewer Orc x 20
You will be able to choose one of these rewards
90 silver
max level compensation: 54 silver
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
• 250 reputation with Honor Hold
DetailsScavengers, orcs of the Bonechewer clan, skulk about the ruined battlements overlooking the Path of Glory. We must assume that these fel orcs are gathering war machine parts for their masters within Hellfire Citadel -- they must be stopped!

Find Bonechewer orcs to the north, [name]. Find them and slay them! But use caution, for although these orcs are the lesser of the fel orc clans, their strength is the match of any green-skinned orc we've faced thus far...
1. Know your Enemy [ 61 ]
2. Fel Orc Scavengers [ 58 ]
3. Ill Omens [ 58 ]
Ingame link
Last update, client version11159
Fel Orc Scavengers start and finish location(s)
Start (NPC)
Hellfire Peninsula
map of Hellfire Peninsula
Finish (NPC)
Hellfire Peninsula
map of Hellfire Peninsula