World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Intelligence Gathering Quest

Ingame ID of Intelligence Gathering quest is 12838.

Intelligence Gathering tooltip
Intelligence Gathering
Level 80
Aurochs Grimbane at Death's Rise wants you to collect 5 Onslaught Intel Documents.
- Onslaught Intel Documents x 5
Intelligence Gathering additional info
Faction Alliance Horde
TypeDaily -
DescriptionAurochs Grimbane at Death's Rise wants you to collect 5 Onslaught Intel Documents.
Final stepReturn to Aurochs Grimbane at Death's Rise in Icecrown.
7 gold 40 silver
max level compensation: 13 gold 23 silver
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
• 250 reputation with Knights of the Ebon Blade
DetailsI need to know what the Scarlet Onslaught is planning today. You will be my instrument in this task.

Fly to Onslaught Harbor and rifle through their baggage trunks for documents. The trunks will be locked, so you'll have to take the keys from the Scarlet Onslaught members by whatever means.
Ingame link
Last update, client version11159
Intelligence Gathering start and finish location(s)
Start (NPC)
map of Icecrown
Finish (NPC)
map of Icecrown
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