World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Another Heap of Ethereals 68 A H Netherstorm
Ar'kelos the Guardian 68 A H Netherstorm
Assisting the Consortium 68 A H Netherstorm
Assisting the Consortium 68 H Netherstorm
Attack on Manaforge Coruu 68 A H Netherstorm
B'naar Console Transcription 68 A H Netherstorm
Battle-Mage Dathric 68 A H Netherstorm
Bloodgem Crystals 68 A H Netherstorm
Breaking Down Netherock 68 Group A H Netherstorm
Curse of the Violet Tower 68 A H Netherstorm
Deal With the Saboteurs 68 A H Netherstorm
Distraction at Manaforge B'naar 68 A H Netherstorm
Dr. Boom! 68 A H Netherstorm
Elemental Power Extraction 68 A H Netherstorm
Essence for the Engines 68 A H Netherstorm
High Value Targets 68 A H Netherstorm
Information Gathering 68 A H Netherstorm
It's a Fel Reaver, But with Heart 68 Group A H Netherstorm
Malevolent Remnants 68 A H Netherstorm
Manaforge B'naar 68 A H Netherstorm
Mark V is Alive! 68 Group A H Netherstorm
Measuring Warp Energies 68 A H Netherstorm
Naaru Technology 68 A H Netherstorm
Off To Area 52 68 A H Netherstorm
Pick Your Part 68 A H Netherstorm
Recharging the Batteries 68 A H Netherstorm
Report to Engineering 68 A H Netherstorm
Return to Thalodien 68 A H Netherstorm
Run a Diagnostic! 68 A H Netherstorm
Securing the Shaleskin Shale 68 A H Netherstorm
Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar 68 A H Netherstorm
Shutting Down Manaforge B'naar 68 A H Netherstorm
Stealth Flight 68 A H Netherstorm
That Little Extra Kick 68 A H Netherstorm
The Archmage's Staff 68 A H Netherstorm
Wanted: Annihilator Servo! 68 Group A H Netherstorm
You're Hired! 68 A H Netherstorm