World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Purging the Chambers of Bash'ir 70 Group A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Rampaging Giants 60 Group A Winterspring
Razormaw 21 Group A Bloodmyst Isle
Really Big Worm 74 Group A H Dragonblight
Reclusive Runemaster 74 Group A H Dragonblight
Rescue Deirom! 65 Group A Terokkar Forest
Rescue Dugar! 65 Group H Terokkar Forest
Return to Nathanos 60 Group H Eastern Plaguelands
Sabotage the Warp-Gate! 70 Group A H Netherstorm
Safeguarding the Watchers 62 Group A H Zangarmarsh
Sarathstra, Scourge of the North 75 Group H Dragonblight
Scarlet Subterfuge 60 Group A H Western Plaguelands
Second Chances 80 Group A H Icecrown
Securing the Celestial Ridge 70 Group A H Netherstorm
Seeing What Happens 50 Group A Ironforge
Seeing What Happens 50 Group H Thunder Bluff
Shatter the Shards 80 Group A Icecrown
Shatter the Shards 80 Group H Icecrown
Showdown 70 Group A Blade's Edge Mountains
Showdown 70 Group H Blade's Edge Mountains
Shutting Down Manaforge Ara 70 Group A H Netherstorm
Shutting Down Manaforge Ara 70 Group A H Netherstorm
Signet of the Dukes 60 Group A H Silithus
Sirana Iceshriek 78 Group A The Storm Peaks
Skywing 65 Group A H Terokkar Forest
Socrethar's Shadow 70 Group A H Netherstorm
Soulbound Keepsake 60 Group A H Western Plaguelands
Stasis Chambers of Bash'ir 70 Group A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Summoning Shadra 55 Group H The Hinterlands
Summoning the Princess 50 Group A H Arathi Highlands
Survey the Land 68 Group A H Nagrand
Tabards of the Illidari 70 Group A Shadowmoon Valley
Tabards of the Illidari 70 Group H Shadowmoon Valley
Talbuk Mastery 66 Group A H Nagrand
Terokk's Downfall 70 Group A H Skettis
Terokkarantula 65 Group A H Terokkar Forest
Tharil'zun 25 Group A Redridge Mountains
The Absent Minded Prospector 20 Group A Darkshore
The Admiral Revealed 80 Group A H Icecrown
The Amphitheater of Anguish: From Beyond! 77 Group A H Zul'Drak