World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Sarkoth 5 H Valley of Trials
Sting of the Scorpid 3 H Valley of Trials
Thazz'ril's Pick 4 H Valley of Trials
Vile Familiars 4 H Valley of Trials
Welcome! 1 H Valley of Trials
Your Place In The World 1 H Valley of Trials
Junk in My Trunk 80 Dungeon A H Utgarde Pinnacle
Proof of Demise: King Ymiron 80 Daily Heroic A H Utgarde Pinnacle
Timear Foresees Ymirjar Berserkers in your Future! 80 Daily Dungeon A H Utgarde Pinnacle
Vengeance Be Mine! 80 Dungeon A H Utgarde Pinnacle
A Score to Settle 71 Dungeon H Utgarde Keep
Disarmament 71 Dungeon H Utgarde Keep
Disarmament 71 Dungeon A Utgarde Keep
Ingvar Must Die! 71 Dungeon H Utgarde Keep
Into Utgarde! 71 Dungeon A Utgarde Keep
Proof of Demise: Ingvar the Plunderer 80 Daily Heroic A H Utgarde Keep
... and a Batch of Ooze 56 H Undercity
A Donation of Mageweave 60 H Undercity
A Donation of Runecloth 60 H Undercity
A Donation of Silk 60 H Undercity
A Donation of Wool 60 H Undercity
A Sample of Slime... 52 H Undercity
Additional Runecloth 60 H Undercity
Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem 50 H Undercity
Envoy to the Horde 21 H Undercity
Envoy to the Horde 21 H Undercity
Errand for Apothecary Zinge 45 H Undercity
Errand for Apothecary Zinge 45 H Undercity
Journey to Undercity 15 H Undercity
Journey to Undercity 15 H Undercity
Lines of Communication 47 H Undercity
Melding of Influences 55 H Undercity
Return to Apothecary Zinge 46 H Undercity
Sample for Helbrim 15 H Undercity
Seeping Corruption 52 H Undercity
Seeping Corruption 52 H Undercity
Seeping Corruption 52 H Undercity
Testing for Corruption - Felwood 52 H Undercity
Testing for Impurities - Un'Goro Crater 52 H Undercity
The Battle For The Undercity 74 H Undercity