World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Assault by Ground 80 Daily A Icecrown
Assault on Bash'ir Landing! 70 A H Blade's Edge Mountains
Assault on Fenris Isle 20 H Silverpine Forest
Assault on the Kolkar 32 A Desolace
Assault on Zeb'Nowa 19 H Ghostlands
Assessing the Threat 17 A Redridge Mountains
Assist Exarch Orelis 67 A H Shattrath City
Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem 50 H Undercity
Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem 50 H Orgrimmar
Assisting Arch Druid Runetotem 50 H Thunder Bluff
Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm 50 A Darnassus
Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm 50 A Stormwind City
Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm 50 A The Exodar
Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm 50 A Ironforge
Assisting the Consortium 68 H Netherstorm
Assisting the Consortium 68 A H Netherstorm
Astral Knot Garment 26 A Mage
At Last! 43 A Ironforge
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily A Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily H Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily H Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily H Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily A Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily A Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily H Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily H Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily A Tournament
At The Enemy's Gates 80 Daily A Tournament
At War With The Scarlet Crusade 8 H Tirisfal Glades
At War With The Scarlet Crusade 12 H Tirisfal Glades
At War With The Scarlet Crusade 9 H Tirisfal Glades
At War With The Scarlet Crusade 10 H Tirisfal Glades
Ata'mal Armaments 70 Daily A H Shadowmoon Valley
Atonement 63 A Hellfire Peninsula
Atop the Woodlands 72 H Dragonblight
Atop the Woodlands 72 A Dragonblight
Attack by Air! 72 H Dragonblight
Attack on Camp Narache 4 H Red Cloud Mesa
Attack on Firewing Point 64 A Terokkar Forest
Attack on Firewing Point 64 H Terokkar Forest