World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Quests. A quest is a task given to a player character that yields a reward when completed such as new items, experience points, reputation gain or gold.

Most quests are given by an NPC. Some of them can be aquired by using special items marked with exclamation mark, interacting with specific objects, entering some zones or from completing a previous quest.

title of quest
level range
starting area
name updown level updown type updown faction category updown
Battle of Hillsbrad 25 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of Hillsbrad 26 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of Hillsbrad 26 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of Hillsbrad 28 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of Hillsbrad 30 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of Hillsbrad 32 H Hillsbrad Foothills
Battle of the Crimson Watch 70 Group A H Shadowmoon Valley
Battle of Warsong Gulch 19 PvP H Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 19 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 29 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 29 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 39 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 39 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 49 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 49 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 59 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 60 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle of Warsong Gulch 60 PvP Warsong Gulch
Battle Plans Of The Kvaldir 80 A H Hrothgar's Landing
Battle-Mage Dathric 68 A H Netherstorm
Battling the Elements 80 A H The Storm Peaks
Bazil Thredd 22 A Stormwind City
Beached Sea Creature 13 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Creature 14 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Creature 16 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Creature 19 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Turtle 13 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Turtle 15 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Turtle 15 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Turtle 19 A Darkshore
Beached Sea Turtle 19 A Darkshore
Beachfront Property 72 H Dragonblight
Beads for Salfa 56 A H Felwood
Bearers of the Plague 14 H Ghostlands
Beasts of the Apocalypse! 10 A Azuremyst Isle
Because Kilrath is a Coward 65 H Nagrand
Becoming a Mooncloth Tailor 70 A H Tailoring
Becoming a Parent 48 A Feralas
Becoming a Shadoweave Tailor 70 A H Tailoring
Becoming a Spellfire Tailor 70 A H Tailoring