World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Netherwing Fields 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Ledge 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Mines 70 Shadowmoon Valley
Netherwing Pass - Shadowmoon Valley
New Agamand 70 Howling Fjord
New Avalon 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon Forge 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon Orchard 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Avalon Town Hall 55 Plaguelands: The Scarlet Enclave
New Hearthglen 73 Dragonblight
Nidavelir 79 The Storm Peaks
Nifflevar 70 Howling Fjord
Night Run 25 Ashenvale
Night Web's Hollow - Tirisfal Glades
Nightmare Vale 5 Tirisfal Glades
Nijel's Point 30 Desolace
Njord's Breath Bay 70 Borean Tundra
Njorndar Village 80 Icecrown
Noonshade Ruins 42 Tanaris
North Gate Outpost 11 Dun Morogh
North Gate Pass - Loch Modan
North Point Station 70 Borean Tundra
North Sanctum 5 Eversong Woods
North Tide's Hollow - Silverpine Forest
Northdale 58 Eastern Plaguelands
Northern Rampart 61 Hellfire Peninsula
Northfold Manor 31 Arathi Highlands
Northpass Tower 56 Eastern Plaguelands
Northridge Lumber Camp 55 Western Plaguelands
Northshire Abbey - Elwynn Forest
Northshire Valley - Elwynn Forest
Northshire Vineyards - Elwynn Forest
Northwatch Hold 15 The Barrens
Northwind Cleft 65 Nagrand
Nozzlerust Post 73 Dragonblight
Obsidia's Perch - Blade's Edge Mountains
Obsidian Dragonshrine 72 Dragonblight
Odesyus' Landing 6 Azuremyst Isle
Ogri'la 66 Blade's Edge Mountains
Olsen's Farthing 12 Silverpine Forest
Oneiros 60 Feralas
Onslaught Base Camp 74 Dragonblight
Onslaught Harbor 80 Icecrown
Orebor Harborage - Zangarmarsh
Oronok's Farm 67 Shadowmoon Valley
Oshu'gun 65 Nagrand
Owl Wing Thicket 56 Winterspring
Pal'ea 70 Borean Tundra
Palemane Rock 5 Mulgore
Path of the Titans 73 Dragonblight