World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Commander Mar'alith Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Commander Mar'alith creature / NPC is 15181.

Commander Mar'alith tooltip
Commander Mar'alith
Level 62 Humanoid (Elite)
Commander Mar'alith additional info
Level62 Elite
react (top-most) H A
Last update, client version11723
Known location(s) of Commander Mar'alith creature / NPC
Commander Mar'alith is a starting point of the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
Dearest Natalia 60 A H Silithus
Into The Maw of Madness 60 A H Silithus
Commander Mar'alith completes the following quests ...
name level faction category rewards
A Terrible Purpose 60 A H Silithus
Dearest Natalia 60 A H Silithus
Into The Maw of Madness 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Ashi Defenders 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Ashi Sandstalkers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Ashi Stingers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Ashi Workers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Regal Ambushers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Regal Burrowers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Regal Slavemakers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Regal Spitfires 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Zora Hive Sisters 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Zora Reavers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Zora Tunnelers 60 A H Silithus
Target: Hive'Zora Waywatchers 60 A H Silithus
The Fall of Ossirian 60
A H Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
The Four Dukes 60
A H Silithus
Twilight Battle Orders 60 A H Silithus