World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Mutate Fleshlasher Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Mutate Fleshlasher creature / NPC is 19598.

Mutate Fleshlasher tooltip
Mutate Fleshlasher
Level 70 - 71 Beast
Mutate Fleshlasher additional info
Level70 - 71
react (top-most) H
Last update, client version9506
Known location(s) of Mutate Fleshlasher creature / NPC
The Botanica
map of The Botanica
Mutate Fleshlasher drops these rare+ and quest items
  name level req level class slot
Chestguard of Exile Chestguard of Exile 100 70 Plate Chest
Crystal Pulse Shield Crystal Pulse Shield 112 69 Shield Off-Hand
Design: Bold Living Ruby Design: Bold Living Ruby 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Dazzling Talasite Design: Dazzling Talasite 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Eye of the Night Design: Eye of the Night 72 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Flashing Living Ruby Design: Flashing Living Ruby 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Rigid Dawnstone Design: Rigid Dawnstone 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Thick Dawnstone Design: Thick Dawnstone 70 - Jewelcrafting
Don Santos' Famous Hunting Rifle Don Santos' Famous Hunting Rifle 100 70 Gun Ranged
Formula: Enchant Shield - Resistance Formula: Enchant Shield - Resistance 72 - Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Shield - Shield Block Formula: Enchant Shield - Shield Block 68 - Enchanting
Girdle of Gale Force Girdle of Gale Force 112 69 Mail Waist
Pattern: Black Belt of Knowledge Pattern: Black Belt of Knowledge 73 - Tailoring
Pattern: Cloak of the Black Void Pattern: Cloak of the Black Void 70 - Tailoring
Pauldrons of Surging Mana Pauldrons of Surging Mana 112 69 Mail Shoulder
Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress 73 - Blacksmithing
Recipe: Destruction Potion Recipe: Destruction Potion 70 - Alchemy
Recipe: Haste Potion Recipe: Haste Potion 70 - Alchemy
Robe of the Crimson Order Robe of the Crimson Order 112 69 Cloth Chest
Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare 67 - Engineering
The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min 100 70 Mace Main Hand