World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Frayer Wildling Creature / NPC

Ingame ID of Frayer Wildling creature / NPC is 19608.

Frayer Wildling tooltip
Frayer Wildling
Level 70 Elemental
Frayer Wildling additional info
react (top-most) H
Last update, client version9506
Known location(s) of Frayer Wildling creature / NPC
The Botanica
map of The Botanica
Frayer Wildling drops these rare+ and quest items
  name level req level class slot
Blade of Wizardry Blade of Wizardry 100 70 Sword Main Hand
Chestguard of the Dark Stalker Chestguard of the Dark Stalker 112 69 Leather Chest
Crystal Pulse Shield Crystal Pulse Shield 112 69 Shield Off-Hand
Crystalforged War Axe Crystalforged War Axe 112 69 Axe Two-Hand
Design: Blazing Eternium Band Design: Blazing Eternium Band 73 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Braided Eternium Chain Design: Braided Eternium Chain 72 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Bright Living Ruby Design: Bright Living Ruby 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Brilliant Dawnstone Design: Brilliant Dawnstone 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Delicate Eternium Ring Design: Delicate Eternium Ring 71 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Delicate Living Ruby Design: Delicate Living Ruby 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Enduring Talasite Design: Enduring Talasite 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Glinting Noble Topaz Design: Glinting Noble Topaz 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Glowing Nightseye Design: Glowing Nightseye 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Lustrous Star of Elune Design: Lustrous Star of Elune 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Radiant Talasite Design: Radiant Talasite 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Rigid Dawnstone Design: Rigid Dawnstone 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Royal Nightseye Design: Royal Nightseye 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Shifting Nightseye Design: Shifting Nightseye 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Smooth Dawnstone Design: Smooth Dawnstone 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Solid Star of Elune Design: Solid Star of Elune 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Sovereign Nightseye Design: Sovereign Nightseye 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Sparkling Star of Elune Design: Sparkling Star of Elune 70 - Jewelcrafting
Design: Thick Felsteel Necklace Design: Thick Felsteel Necklace 71 - Jewelcrafting
Don Santos' Famous Hunting Rifle Don Santos' Famous Hunting Rifle 100 70 Gun Ranged
Formula: Enchant Boots - Vitality Formula: Enchant Boots - Vitality 61 - Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience Formula: Enchant Chest - Major Resilience 69 - Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance Formula: Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance 66 - Enchanting
Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency Formula: Enchant Weapon - Potency 70 - Enchanting
Girdle of Gale Force Girdle of Gale Force 112 69 Mail Waist
Leggings of Beast Mastery Leggings of Beast Mastery 100 70 Mail Legs
Pants of Living Growth Pants of Living Growth 100 70 Leather Legs
Pattern: Cloak of Eternity Pattern: Cloak of Eternity 70 - Tailoring
Pattern: Manaweave Cloak Pattern: Manaweave Cloak 73 - Tailoring
Pattern: Netherdrake Gloves Pattern: Netherdrake Gloves 73 - Leatherworking
Pattern: Thick Netherscale Breastplate Pattern: Thick Netherscale Breastplate 73 - Leatherworking
Pauldrons of Surging Mana Pauldrons of Surging Mana 112 69 Mail Shoulder
Plans: Black Felsteel Bracers Plans: Black Felsteel Bracers 73 - Blacksmithing
Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress Plans: Bracers of the Green Fortress 73 - Blacksmithing
Robe of the Crimson Order Robe of the Crimson Order 112 69 Cloth Chest
Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot Schematic: Crashin' Thrashin' Robot 65 - Engineering
Schematic: Healing Potion Injector Schematic: Healing Potion Injector 66 - Engineering
Schematic: Mana Potion Injector Schematic: Mana Potion Injector 69 - Engineering
Singing Crystal Axe Singing Crystal Axe 100 70 Axe Two-Hand
The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min 100 70 Mace Main Hand
The Night Blade The Night Blade 100 70 Dagger One-Hand