World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Database
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Safety in Numbers

Safety in Numbers
Level 3
Speak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
additional info
faction / side A
descriptionSpeak to King Genn Greymane in the military district.
• 65 experience
13 copper
max level compensation: 30 copper
Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
• 25 reputation with Gilneas
detailsThere's only so much I can teach right now with all these worgen trying to dismember us.

We really should think about heading south with the other survivors. We've been told that King Greymane is there.

If we stick together our chances of survival will increase... especially if you choose someone nutritious-looking to stand next to.
questline / series
1. Your Instructor [ 2 ] A
1. Seek the Sister [ 2 ] A
2. Arcane Missiles [ 2 ] A
2. Eviscerate [ 2 ] A
2. Charge [ 3 ] A
2. Immolate [ 2 ] A
2. Flash Heal [ 2 ] A
2. Steady Shot [ 2 ] A
3. Safety in Numbers [ 3 ] A
4. Old Divisions [ 4 ] A
ingame link
Gilneas City
map of Gilneas City
Gilneas City
map of Gilneas City