World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

The Burning Crusade achievements

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King achievements. Achievements are self-contained goals that offer new challenges to satisfy goal-oriented players and were introduced with Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

They cover every aspect of gameplay, including world exploration, world events, professions, quests, character development, PvE or PvP. Some achievements come with in-game cosmetic rewards such as titles or mounts.

name of achievement
  name and description updown faction updown points updown category updown
Zul'Aman Zul'Aman
Defeat Zul'jin in Zul'Aman.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Underbog Underbog
Defeat The Black Stalker.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Steamvault The Steamvault
Defeat Warlord Kalithresh.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Slave Pens The Slave Pens
Defeat Quagmirran.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Shattered Halls The Shattered Halls
Defeat Warchief Kargath Bladefist.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Mechanar The Mechanar
Defeat Pathaleon the Calculator.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Escape From Durnholde The Escape From Durnholde
Defeat Epoch Hunter.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Botanica The Botanica
Defeat Warp Splinter.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Blood Furnace The Blood Furnace
Defeat Keli'dan the Breaker.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Black Temple The Black Temple
Defeat Illidan Stormrage in The Black Temple.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Battle for Mount Hyjal The Battle for Mount Hyjal
Defeat Archimonde in The Battle for Mount Hyjal.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Arcatraz The Arcatraz
Defeat Harbinger Skyriss.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Tempest Keep Tempest Keep
Defeat Kael'thas Sunstrider in Tempest Keep.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Sunwell Plateau Sunwell Plateau
Defeat Kil'jaeden in Sunwell Plateau.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Shadow Labyrinth Shadow Labyrinth
Defeat Murmur.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Sethekk Halls Sethekk Halls
Defeat Talon King Ikiss.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Serpentshrine Cavern Serpentshrine Cavern
Defeat Lady Vashj in Serpentshrine Cavern.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Opening of the Dark Portal Opening of the Dark Portal
Defeat Aeonus.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Mana-Tombs Mana-Tombs
Defeat Nexus-Prince Shaffar.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Magtheridon's Lair Magtheridon's Lair
Defeat Magtheridon in Magtheridon's Lair.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Magister's Terrace Magister's Terrace
Defeat Kael'thas Sunstrider.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Karazhan Karazhan
Defeat Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: Underbog Heroic: Underbog
Defeat The Black Stalker on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Steamvault Heroic: The Steamvault
Defeat Warlord Kalithresh on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Slave Pens Heroic: The Slave Pens
Defeat Quagmirran on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Shattered Halls Heroic: The Shattered Halls
Defeat Warchief Kargath Bladefist on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Mechanar Heroic: The Mechanar
Defeat Pathaleon the Calculator on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Escape From Durnholde Heroic: The Escape From Durnholde
Defeat Epoch Hunter on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Botanica Heroic: The Botanica
Defeat Warp Splinter on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
Heroic: The Blood Furnace Heroic: The Blood Furnace
Defeat Keli'dan the Breaker on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade