World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Pilgrim's Bounty achievements

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King achievements. Achievements are self-contained goals that offer new challenges to satisfy goal-oriented players and were introduced with Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

They cover every aspect of gameplay, including world exploration, world events, professions, quests, character development, PvE or PvP. Some achievements come with in-game cosmetic rewards such as titles or mounts.

name of achievement
  name and description updown faction updown points updown category updown
Now We're Cookin' Now We're Cookin'
Cook up one of every Pilgrim's Bounty dish.
A 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Paunch Pilgrim's Paunch
Acquire the Spirit of Sharing from a complete Bountiful Table feast at every Alliance capital.
A 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Peril Pilgrim's Peril
While wearing either a Pilgrim's Dress, Robe, or Attire, take a seat at each enemy capital's Bountiful Table.
A 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Progress Pilgrim's Progress
Complete each of the Pilgrim's Bounty dailies.
A 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Now We're Cookin' Now We're Cookin'
Cook up one of every Pilgrim's Bounty dish.
H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Paunch Pilgrim's Paunch
Acquire the Spirit of Sharing from a complete Bountiful Table feast at every Horde capital.
H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Peril Pilgrim's Peril
While wearing either a Pilgrim's Dress, Robe, or Attire, take a seat at each enemy capital's Bountiful Table.
H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Pilgrim's Progress Pilgrim's Progress
Complete each of the Pilgrim's Bounty dailies.
H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Bounce food off a fellow feaster's head at a Bountiful Table.
A H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Sharing is Caring Sharing is Caring
Pass one of every dish at a Bountiful Table.
A H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Terokkar Turkey Time Terokkar Turkey Time
Defeat Talon King Ikiss while wearing a Pilgrim's Hat and either a Pilgrim's Dress, Robe, or Attire.
A H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
The Turkinator The Turkinator
Hunt enough Wild Turkeys quickly enough to gain Turkey Triumph.
A H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty
Turkey Lurkey Turkey Lurkey
Blast those dirty, sneaking Rogues with your Turkey Shooter.
A H 10 Pilgrim's Bounty