World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Player vs. Player achievements

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King achievements. Achievements are self-contained goals that offer new challenges to satisfy goal-oriented players and were introduced with Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

They cover every aspect of gameplay, including world exploration, world events, professions, quests, character development, PvE or PvP. Some achievements come with in-game cosmetic rewards such as titles or mounts.

name of achievement
  name and description updown faction updown points updown category updown
25000 Honorable Kills 25000 Honorable Kills
Get 25000 honorable kills.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
500 Honorable Kills 500 Honorable Kills
Get 500 honorable kills.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
5000 Honorable Kills 5000 Honorable Kills
Get 5000 honorable kills.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
50000 Honorable Kills 50000 Honorable Kills
Get 50000 honorable kills.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
An Honorable Kill An Honorable Kill
Achieve an honorable kill.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Call in the Cavalry Call in the Cavalry
Obtain one of the war mounts through the honor system.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Damage Control Damage Control
Do 300,000 damage or healing in a single battle in any battleground. The damage or healing must be done to a player.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Duel-icious Duel-icious
Win a duel against another player.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Grand Master Gurubashi Arena Grand Master
Complete Short John Mithril's quest to obtain the Arena Grand Master trinket.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Gurubashi Arena Master Gurubashi Arena Master
Loot the Arena Master trinket from the Gurubashi Arena.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Make Love, Not Warcraft Make Love, Not Warcraft
Emote /hug on a dead enemy before they release corpse.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
That Takes Class That Takes Class
Get an honorable, killing blow on one of each class.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper
Get 30 Honorable Kills in a single battle in any battleground.
A H 10 Player vs. Player
Wrecking Ball Wrecking Ball
Get 20 killing blows without dying in a single battle in any battleground.
A H 10 Player vs. Player