World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King achievements. Achievements are self-contained goals that offer new challenges to satisfy goal-oriented players and were introduced with Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

They cover every aspect of gameplay, including world exploration, world events, professions, quests, character development, PvE or PvP. Some achievements come with in-game cosmetic rewards such as titles or mounts.

name of achievement
  name and description updown faction updown points updown category updown
Quick Cap Quick Cap
Grab the flag and capture it in under 75 seconds.
H 10 Warsong Gulch
Resource Glut Resource Glut
Win Isle of Conquest while your team controls the Quarry and Oil Refinery.
H 10 Isle of Conquest
Rotten Hallow Rotten Hallow
Ruin Hallow's End for the Alliance by completing Darkcaller Yanka's quests which involve going to Southshore, ruining the kegs with rotten eggs and tossing stinkbombs into the town.
H 10 Hallow's End
Scout Scout
Earned the title, "Scout".
H 0 Feats of Strength
Scrooge Scrooge
Throw a snowball at Cairne Bloodhoof during the Feast of Winter Veil.
H 10 Winter Veil
Senior Sergeant Senior Sergeant
Earned the title, "Senior Sergeant".
H 0 Feats of Strength
Sergeant Sergeant
Earned the title, "Sergeant".
H 0 Feats of Strength
Spring Fling Spring Fling
Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the towns listed below.
H 10 Noblegarden
Stone Guard Stone Guard
Earned the title, "Stone Guard".
H 0 Feats of Strength
Storming Stormwind Storming Stormwind
Kill King Varian Wrynn.
H 10 Player vs. Player
Strange Brew Strange Brew
Drink the Brewfest beers listed below.
H 10 Brewfest
Supreme Defender Supreme Defender
Kill 100 flag carriers in Warsong Gulch.
H 10 Warsong Gulch
Terror of Terokkar Terror of Terokkar
Complete 68 quests in Terokkar Forest.
H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Burning Crusader The Burning Crusader
Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to exalted.
H 20 The Burning Crusade
The Conqueror The Conqueror
Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
H 20 Player vs. Player
The Defiler The Defiler
Gain exalted reputation with The Forsaken Defilers.
H 10 Arathi Basin
The Diplomat The Diplomat
Raise your reputation level from unfriendly to exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and The Mag'har.
H 25 Reputation
The Fires of Azeroth The Fires of Azeroth
Complete the Flame Keeper of Eastern Kingdoms, Kalimdor and Outland achievements.
H 10 Midsummer
The Flame Keeper The Flame Keeper
Complete the Midsummer achievements listed below.
H 20 World Events
The Loremaster The Loremaster
Complete the quest achievements listed below.
H 10 Quests
The Sunreavers The Sunreavers
Earn both exalted status with The Sunreavers and the right to represent a city in the Argent Tournament.
H 10 Argent Tournament
The Winds of the North The Winds of the North
Gain exalted reputation with the Horde Expedition.
H 20 Wrath of the Lich King
To Hellfire and Back To Hellfire and Back
Complete 90 quests in Hellfire Peninsula.
H 10 The Burning Crusade
Trial of the Champion Trial of the Champion
Defeat the bosses in the Trial of the Champion.
H 10 Lich King Dungeon
Tricks and Treats of Azeroth Tricks and Treats of Azeroth
Complete the Kalimdor, Eastern Kingdoms and Outland Tricks and Treats achievements.
H 20 Hallow's End
Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms Tricks and Treats of Eastern Kingdoms
Visit the Candy Buckets in Eastern Kingdoms.
H 10 Hallow's End
Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
Visit the Candy Buckets in Kalimdor.
H 10 Hallow's End
Tricks and Treats of Outland Tricks and Treats of Outland
Visit the Candy Buckets in Outland.
H 10 Hallow's End
Venomhide Ravasaur Venomhide Ravasaur
Obtain a Venomhide Ravasaur.
H 0 Feats of Strength
Warlord Warlord
Earned the title, "Warlord".
H 0 Feats of Strength