World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King achievements. Achievements are self-contained goals that offer new challenges to satisfy goal-oriented players and were introduced with Wrath of the Lich King expansion pack.

They cover every aspect of gameplay, including world exploration, world events, professions, quests, character development, PvE or PvP. Some achievements come with in-game cosmetic rewards such as titles or mounts.

name of achievement
  name and description updown faction updown points updown category updown
The Faceroller The Faceroller
Defeat Eadric the Pure in the Trial of the Champion with his own hammer on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 Lich King Heroic
The Escape From Durnholde The Escape From Durnholde
Defeat Epoch Hunter.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Empire of Zul'Drak The Empire of Zul'Drak
Complete 100 quests in Zul'Drak.
A H 10 Wrath of the Lich King
The Diplomat The Diplomat
Raise your reputation level from unfriendly to exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and the Kurenai.
A 25 Reputation
The Diplomat The Diplomat
Raise your reputation level from unfriendly to exalted with Timbermaw Hold, Sporeggar and The Mag'har.
H 25 Reputation
The Descent into Madness (25 player) The Descent into Madness (25 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 25-player mode.
A H 10 Secrets of Ulduar 25-Player Raid
The Descent into Madness (10 player) The Descent into Madness (10 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar in 10-player mode.
A H 10 Secrets of Ulduar 10-Player Raid
The Defiler The Defiler
Gain exalted reputation with The Forsaken Defilers.
H 10 Arathi Basin
The Dedicated Few (25 player) The Dedicated Few (25 player)
Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 21 people in the zone in 25-player mode.
A H 50 Lich King 25-Player Raid
The Dedicated Few (10 player) The Dedicated Few (10 player)
Defeat the bosses of Naxxramas with less than 9 people in the zone in 10-player mode.
A H 25 Lich King 10-Player Raid
The Dapper Sapper The Dapper Sapper
Plant 100 Seaforium charges which successfully damage a wall.
A H 10 Strand of the Ancients
The Czar of Sporeggar The Czar of Sporeggar
Earn exalted status with Sporeggar.
A H 15 The Burning Crusade
The Culling of Time The Culling of Time
Defeat the Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic Difficulty.
A H 10 Lich King Heroic
The Culling of Stratholme The Culling of Stratholme
Defeat the bosses in Caverns of Time: Stratholme.
A H 10 Lich King Dungeon
The Crimson Hall (25 player) The Crimson Hall (25 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 25-player mode.
A H 10 Fall of the Lich King 25-Player Raid
The Crimson Hall (10 player) The Crimson Hall (10 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Crimson Hall in Icecrown Citadel in 10-player mode.
A H 10 Fall of the Lich King 10-Player Raid
The Construct Quarter (25 player) The Construct Quarter (25 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Construct Quarter of Naxxramas in 25-player mode.
A H 10 Lich King 25-Player Raid
The Construct Quarter (10 player) The Construct Quarter (10 player)
Defeat the bosses of The Construct Quarter of Naxxramas in 10-player mode.
A H 10 Lich King 10-Player Raid
The Conqueror The Conqueror
Raise your reputation values in Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin and Alterac Valley to Exalted.
H 20 Player vs. Player
The Coin Master The Coin Master
Complete the coin fishing achievements listed below.
A H 10 Fishing
The Captain's Booty The Captain's Booty
Drink with the Dread Captain Demeza to join her crew during Pirates' Day.
A H 10 World Events
The Cake Is Not A Lie The Cake Is Not A Lie
Bake a Delicious Chocolate Cake.
A H 10 Cooking
The Burning Crusader The Burning Crusader
Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to exalted.
H 20 The Burning Crusade
The Burning Crusader The Burning Crusader
Raise all of The Burning Crusade dungeon reputations to exalted.
A 20 The Burning Crusade
The Brewfest Diet The Brewfest Diet
Eat 8 of the Brewfest foods listed below.
A H 10 Brewfest
The Bread Winner The Bread Winner
Make 10,000 gold from quest rewards.
A H 10 Quests
The Botanica The Botanica
Defeat Warp Splinter.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Blood Furnace The Blood Furnace
Defeat Keli'dan the Breaker.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Black Temple The Black Temple
Defeat Illidan Stormrage in The Black Temple.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade
The Battle for Mount Hyjal The Battle for Mount Hyjal
Defeat Archimonde in The Battle for Mount Hyjal.
A H 10 The Burning Crusade