World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Brewnall Village 7 Dun Morogh
Brightwater Lake 7 Tirisfal Glades
Crystal Lake 7 Elwynn Forest
East Sanctum 7 Eversong Woods
Echo Isles 7 Durotar
Elrendar Falls 7 Eversong Woods
Farstrider Retreat 7 Eversong Woods
Frostmane Hold 7 Dun Morogh
Garren's Haunt 7 Tirisfal Glades
Gates of Ironforge 7 Dun Morogh
Iceflow Lake 7 Dun Morogh
Kolkar Crag 7 Durotar
Misty Pine Refuge 7 Dun Morogh
Ravaged Caravan 7 Mulgore
Saltheril's Haven 7 Eversong Woods
Stillpine Hold 7 Azuremyst Isle
Stillwater Pond 7 Tirisfal Glades
Sunsail Anchorage 7 Eversong Woods
The Venture Co. Mine 7 Mulgore
Thunderhorn Water Well 7 Mulgore
Tides' Hollow 7 Azuremyst Isle
Tranquil Shore 7 Eversong Woods
Eastvale Logging Camp 6 Elwynn Forest
Fairbreeze Village 6 Eversong Woods
Falconwing Square 6 Eversong Woods
Geezle's Camp 6 Azuremyst Isle
Golden Strand 6 Eversong Woods
Moongraze Woods 6 Azuremyst Isle
Odesyus' Landing 6 Azuremyst Isle
Pod Cluster 6 Azuremyst Isle
Pod Wreckage 6 Azuremyst Isle
Sen'jin Village 6 Durotar
Solliden Farmstead 6 Tirisfal Glades
Starbreeze Village 6 Teldrassil
Stillwhisper Pond 6 Eversong Woods
The Maclure Vineyards 6 Elwynn Forest
The Stonefield Farm 6 Elwynn Forest
Tiragarde Keep 6 Durotar
West Sanctum 6 Eversong Woods
Winterhoof Water Well 6 Mulgore
Wrathscale Point 6 Azuremyst Isle
Ammen Ford 5 Azuremyst Isle
Azure Watch 5 Azuremyst Isle
Balnir Farmstead 5 Tirisfal Glades
Bloodhoof Village 5 Mulgore
Brill 5 Tirisfal Glades
Cold Hearth Manor 5 Tirisfal Glades
Dawning Lane 5 Eversong Woods
Dolanaar 5 Teldrassil
Fargodeep Mine 5 Elwynn Forest