World of Warcraft: WotLK Database

Areas, subzones

This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King areas / subzones.

name updownlevel updownmap updown
Feth's Way 5 Eversong Woods
Goldshire 5 Elwynn Forest
Kharanos 5 Dun Morogh
Lake Al'Ameth 5 Teldrassil
Nightmare Vale 5 Tirisfal Glades
North Sanctum 5 Eversong Woods
Palemane Rock 5 Mulgore
Razor Hill 5 Durotar
Ruins of Silvermoon 5 Eversong Woods
Skulking Row 5 Eversong Woods
The Dead Scar 5 Eversong Woods
The Golden Plains 5 Mulgore
The Grizzled Den 5 Dun Morogh
Thuron's Livery 5 Eversong Woods
Coldridge Pass 4 Dun Morogh
Abandoned Armory - Nagrand
Aeris Landing - Nagrand
Agamand Family Crypt - Tirisfal Glades
Allerian Stronghold - Terokkar Forest
Alliance Keep - Isle of Conquest
Altar of Sha'tar - Shadowmoon Valley
Ammen Fields - Azuremyst Isle
Ammen Vale - Azuremyst Isle
Antonidas Memorial - Dalaran
Area 52 - Netherstorm
Argent Pavilion - Icecrown
Argent Tournament Grounds - Icecrown
Ashwood Lake - Grizzly Hills
Blacksmith - Arathi Basin
Blackwind Landing - Terokkar Forest
Blades' Run - Zangarmarsh
Blades' Run - Blade's Edge Mountains
Bladespire Grounds - Blade's Edge Mountains
Bladespire Outpost - Blade's Edge Mountains
Blood Elf Tower - Eye of the Storm
Bloodfen Burrow - Dustwallow Marsh
Bronzebeard Encampment - Silithus
Burning Blade Coven - Durotar
Cenarion Post - Hellfire Peninsula
Cenarion Refuge - Zangarmarsh
Cenarion Watchpost - Zangarmarsh
Coldridge Valley - Dun Morogh
Coldtooth Mine - Alterac Valley
Crash Site - Azuremyst Isle
Cursed Hollow - Blade's Edge Mountains
Darkspear Strand - Durotar
Dawning Wood Catacombs - Duskwood
Dawnstar Village - Isle of Quel'Danas
Deathknell - Tirisfal Glades
Defiler's Den - Arathi Basin