World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King items. Simplifying, an item is something that a player character can carry in their inventory. Items are divided into several categories, based on their usefulness and rarity.

There are a few sources of the items. A player can purchase items from vendors, can receive them as a quests reward or can loot items from corpses of killed creatures. Most items can be sold to ingame vendors. Some of them can also be sold to other players. The most important types of the items are armor, weapons and quest items.

name of item
required lvl
item lvl+
  name updown lvl updown req lvl updown class updown slot
Bracers of Dark Reckoning Bracers of Dark Reckoning 277 80 Plate Wrist
Bracers of Eternal Dreaming Bracers of Eternal Dreaming 277 80 Leather Wrist
Broken Ram Skull Helm Broken Ram Skull Helm 277 80 Plate Head
Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter Bryntroll, the Bone Arbiter 277 80 Axe Two-Hand
Bulwark of Smouldering Steel Bulwark of Smouldering Steel 277 80 Shield Off-Hand
Carapace of Forgotten Kings Carapace of Forgotten Kings 277 80 Mail Chest
Coldwraith Links Coldwraith Links 277 80 Plate Waist
Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown Corp'rethar Ceremonial Crown 277 80 Cloth Head
Corpse Tongue Coin Corpse Tongue Coin 277 80 Miscellaneous Trinket
Corpse-Impaling Spike Corpse-Impaling Spike 277 80 Wand Ranged
Crushing Coldwraith Belt Crushing Coldwraith Belt 277 80 Cloth Waist
Crypt Keeper's Bracers Crypt Keeper's Bracers 277 80 Plate Wrist
Cryptmaker Cryptmaker 277 80 Mace Two-Hand
Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders Cultist's Bloodsoaked Spaulders 277 80 Leather Shoulder
Death Surgeon's Sleeves Death Surgeon's Sleeves 277 80 Cloth Wrist
Deathbringer's Will Deathbringer's Will 277 80 Miscellaneous Trinket
Deathwhisper Raiment Deathwhisper Raiment 277 80 Leather Chest
Devium's Eternally Cold Ring Devium's Eternally Cold Ring 277 80 Miscellaneous Finger
Dislodged Foreign Object Dislodged Foreign Object 277 80 Miscellaneous Trinket
Distant Land Distant Land 277 80 Staff Two-Hand
Dual-Bladed Pauldrons Dual-Bladed Pauldrons 277 80 Mail Shoulder
Dying Light Dying Light 277 80 Staff Two-Hand
Faceplate of the Forgotten Faceplate of the Forgotten 277 80 Plate Head
Fallen Lord's Handguards Fallen Lord's Handguards 277 80 Plate Hands
Fleshrending Gauntlets Fleshrending Gauntlets 277 80 Plate Hands
Frostbinder's Shredded Cape Frostbinder's Shredded Cape 277 80 Cloth Back
Frostbitten Fur Boots Frostbitten Fur Boots 277 80 Leather Feet
Frostbrood Sapphire Ring Frostbrood Sapphire Ring 277 80 Miscellaneous Finger
Frozen Bonespike Frozen Bonespike 277 80 Dagger Main Hand
Gangrenous Leggings Gangrenous Leggings 277 80 Leather Legs
Geistlord's Punishment Sack Geistlord's Punishment Sack 277 80 Leather Head
Gendarme's Cuirass Gendarme's Cuirass 277 80 Plate Chest
Greatcloak of the Turned Champion Greatcloak of the Turned Champion 277 80 Cloth Back
Grinning Skull Greatboots Grinning Skull Greatboots 277 80 Plate Feet
Gunship Captain's Mittens Gunship Captain's Mittens 277 80 Cloth Hands
Handguards of Winter's Respite Handguards of Winter's Respite 277 80 Leather Hands
Heartpierce Heartpierce 277 80 Dagger One-Hand
Helm of the Elder Moon Helm of the Elder Moon 277 80 Leather Head
Holiday's Grace Holiday's Grace 277 80 Miscellaneous Neck
Horrific Flesh Epaulets Horrific Flesh Epaulets 277 80 Mail Shoulder