World of Warcraft: WotLK Database


This is a list of all World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King items. Simplifying, an item is something that a player character can carry in their inventory. Items are divided into several categories, based on their usefulness and rarity.

There are a few sources of the items. A player can purchase items from vendors, can receive them as a quests reward or can loot items from corpses of killed creatures. Most items can be sold to ingame vendors. Some of them can also be sold to other players. The most important types of the items are armor, weapons and quest items.

name of item
required lvl
item lvl+
  name updown lvl updown req lvl updown class updown slot
Lumbering Ogre Axe Lumbering Ogre Axe 44 39 Axe Two-Hand
Bonebiter Bonebiter 44 - Axe Two-Hand
Headchopper Headchopper 44 39 Axe Two-Hand
Great Axe Great Axe 44 39 Axe Two-Hand
Pendulum of Doom Pendulum of Doom 44 39 Axe Two-Hand
Darkmoon Executioner Darkmoon Executioner 45 40 Axe Two-Hand
Gigantic War Axe Gigantic War Axe 46 41 Axe Two-Hand
Executioner's Cleaver Executioner's Cleaver 48 43 Axe Two-Hand
Grinning Axe Grinning Axe 49 44 Axe Two-Hand
Splintering Battle Axe Splintering Battle Axe 49 44 Axe Two-Hand
Kang the Decapitator Kang the Decapitator 49 44 Axe Two-Hand
The Minotaur The Minotaur 49 44 Axe Two-Hand
Will of the Mountain Giant Will of the Mountain Giant 51 - Axe Two-Hand
Gatorbite Axe Gatorbite Axe 53 48 Axe Two-Hand
Bleakwood Hew Bleakwood Hew 54 49 Axe Two-Hand
Beastslayer Beastslayer 55 - Axe Two-Hand
Limb Cleaver Limb Cleaver 55 - Axe Two-Hand
Lord Alexander's Battle Axe Lord Alexander's Battle Axe 56 51 Axe Two-Hand
Colossal Great Axe Colossal Great Axe 56 51 Axe Two-Hand
Angerforge's Battle Axe Angerforge's Battle Axe 56 51 Axe Two-Hand
Huge Thorium Battleaxe Huge Thorium Battleaxe 56 51 Axe Two-Hand
Dark Iron Sunderer Dark Iron Sunderer 57 52 Axe Two-Hand
Waveslicer Waveslicer 58 53 Axe Two-Hand
The Blackrock Slicer The Blackrock Slicer 58 53 Axe Two-Hand
Razor Axe Razor Axe 59 54 Axe Two-Hand
Dreadforge Retaliator Dreadforge Retaliator 59 54 Axe Two-Hand
Balanced War Axe Balanced War Axe 59 54 Axe Two-Hand
Brain Hacker Brain Hacker 60 55 Axe Two-Hand
Malicious Axe Malicious Axe 62 57 Axe Two-Hand
Gravestone War Axe Gravestone War Axe 62 57 Axe Two-Hand
Treant's Bane Treant's Bane 63 58 Axe Two-Hand
Arcanite Reaper Arcanite Reaper 63 58 Axe Two-Hand
Death Striker Death Striker 63 58 Axe Two-Hand
Gri'lek's Carver Gri'lek's Carver 68 60 Axe Two-Hand
Zulian Stone Axe Zulian Stone Axe 68 60 Axe Two-Hand
Stone Reaper Stone Reaper 69 64 Axe Two-Hand
Greataxe of the Ebon Blade Greataxe of the Ebon Blade 70 - Axe Two-Hand
Mag'hari Battleaxe Mag'hari Battleaxe 70 60 Axe Two-Hand
Nightfall Nightfall 70 60 Axe Two-Hand
Neretzek, The Blood Drinker Neretzek, The Blood Drinker 71 60 Axe Two-Hand